Karma: Nine

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Izuku laid on the field as he closed his eyes trying to catch his breath after the last 200 meter run. "Fuck...I'm so tired, I'm hungry and I really want to ditch this sport" he said as he got back up on his feet.

He walked over to the bleachers replacing his spikes with his regular shoes. "You look wasted" Hari told him as the two walked together "yeah, we had to do two 400's , two 100's, and two 200's " "girl bye, I would be done after doing just the 100"

"Why did you join track again?" "Honestly...I don't know" Hari laughed before saying goodbye and going his own way leaving Izuku walking home alone. He shut the door to his house as he threw his shoes on the ground walking to the bathroom where he undressed and stepped into the shower letting the cold water hit his back as his skin grew goosebumps.

His fingers ran through his hair washing the shampoo out before cleaning the rest of his body. He got changed into some sweats with a muscle shirt before laying in bed texting Hari about the interaction he had with Dabi.

No way! What was he saying?

He just asked what I was doing out in the track

That's it?

Yeah, he probably wanted to see you

Why me?

Girl, you guys have been talking haven't you?

Yeah but not that much, I ignore his texts

Oh, I thought y'all talked a lot

Nah, he's really not worth my time and low key I think I'm into his friend



.....girl bye he ugly

Omg no, he's cute


Stop, I think he's cute might fuck around with him too

Oh girl, You nasty


"The fuck...? Why he calling me?" Izuku said as he stared at the phone screen that showed Dabi's picture. He stared at it for a while until the call went away. A sigh left his mouth as he turned over in bed staring at the wall until he fell asleep.




"He ain't answer?" Shigaraki said as he lit up the hyna taking a hit of it before offering it to Dabi who shook his head "take it, he ain't gonna call you back or even text you" he said as he placed it in Dabi's hand who took it in his mouth blowing out the smoke.

"I don't get it, how can he be all over me, flirt with me, and then just ignore me like he ain't do shit?"

"Man I already told your ass, he's fucking around with you, it's probably the universe hitting you with that karma after all those girls you messed with" Dabi looked at Shigaraki who only shrugged "it's your fault" "MY fault?? Fuck did I do?"

"Foo he likes your ass man, he into you I know he is" "nah, I mean he might have said I'm cute but that's probably him fucking around" "no, he likes you every day in biology he staring at you, he stares at you like a horny teenager" Dabi said with a chuckle before walking making Tomura follow by him.

"Bro trust me, he ain't into me he just fucking with you, he knows what you're trying to do so he's doing it back to you" "yeah right" "I'm serious! Swear even if he comes on me I ain't doing shit"

Dabi looked at him and raised a brow "swear?" "Yea I swear, I won't do anything with him" "swear on your shitty face?" "Oh fuck you bitch"

Dabi looked at him and raised a brow "swear?" "Yea I swear, I won't do anything with him" "swear on your shitty face?" "Oh fuck you bitch"

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