Karma: Sixty Three

210 8 1

Tomura walked into the stadium walking down until he reached to his seat. "Aye Shiggy, glad you made it" Dabi said sitting by his side. He frowned looking away from the man "this is one of Izuku's important races, he was stressed all night about it" "You live together?" "Yeah, we're getting married so might as well start adjusting" "oh..."

"AND REPRESENTING JAPANN, IZUKU MIDORIYAAAA" Dabi flinched covering his ears as he heard the shouting and chanting from the people applauding as others raised the flag up. "Damn, these people are crazy" he said "obviously, Japan hasn't had a lot of good runners until Izuku, he makes the state look good"

"Look, they're about to start"  Dabi turned around paying attention as he watched Izuku get into position with all the other runners. The starter backed up putting the  pistol high up firing it for the runners to start.

It was a 400 meter race, an intense race as they were tied up all lining up by each other as they ran, only 100 meter was left and Izuku was running as fast as he could trying his best to make sure no one took the lead from him.

He looked to his right seeing one of his opponents slowly catching up to him, he smirked bringing his hand up shaking his finger in a 'no' 'memo using the last of his energy to sprint away allowing him to take the win.

Izuku cheered putting his arms up with a big smile as Shigaraki jumped up from excitement. He looked over at the two waving at them. "God isn't he amazing?" Dabi asked Tomura who stayed silent nodding "yeah...he is" "come on, let's go see him"

The two stood up heading over to to the green haired boy watching him bow down as he revived his medal. "You did so good Izuku" Tomura said with a smile making him blush with a giggle "thank you Tomura"  Dabi looked at the two noticing the chemistry the two held upon themselves.

He frowned pulling Izuku by the waist "why don't we start heading out? Our fathers have made an arrangement for the two of us this day" he said "oh really? I was hoping I'd spend time with Tomura" he frowned seeing the pout on his face. "It's okay, maybe some other time"
"Yeah, maybe some other time. Sorry Shiggy, we gotta go, call you later" "bye Tomura"

Izuku smiled holding the medal in his hand "I'm glad you made it" "of course, I'm your fiancé after all, in other words you can only count on ME to be there for you" Dabi kissed his head holding his body close. He reached into his pocket pulling out his phone that rang non stop "yeah what's up?" He answered.

He groaned letting go of Izuku as he argued with his father on the phone before sighing "fine, I'll be there" he put his phone away looking at Izuku with a sorry look "I gotta go, my old man is demanding for my presence" "oh...it's okay, I'll see you later?" "Of course" Izuku smiled waving goodbye to the man who walked away letting a sigh escape.

"What a bummer, you looked forward to your plans with his" he turned around looking at Shigaraki "oh, hey Tomura didn't expect to jump into you so soon" "yeah well, I got distracted back there, I barley left" "since you're alone right now, wanna grab something to eat?"

"Sure, that sounds nice"

"Sure, that sounds nice"

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