Karma: Forty Four

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Izuku's Pov
Today was my final meet, it was only me and a girl who made it to city finals. I've tried training for it but I had no motivation. The second I step on the track all my energy goes down and I just want to walk away.

And now I feel like shit, for once in my life I hate running I didn't want to run any of my races I wanted to be at home instead. I sat down at the bench as I waited for the coach to come over once he was done getting our things ready.

A voice called out my name giving me goosebumps once I realized who's voice it is. I looked over and saw Tomura walking over to me. He looked at me and chuckled "here, I uh packed you something since you'd be having a long day over there..." he said handing me a bento.

I looked at him and reached out for the wrapped box placing it down on my lap. "Thank you..." it was quiet for a second until he spoke again "when you come back from your meet, you think you can hang out with me after?"

"Oh uh yeah sure" he smiled with a nod "okay, I'll see you then, good luck"




I was in the bathroom washing up my face after running a race, Hari bursted in talking fast in panic as I stood there confused "bro, you're talking too fast what's going on?" "YOU! YOURE WHATS GOING ON" "huh" "there's a girl out here MAD about you! Come look!"

His hand grabbed me dragging me out to the track where a girl was arguing with the coach "Nahhh you gotta tell me who the fuck he is because why the fuck is MY man saying HIS name when he's literally fucking ME?! WHO TF IS IZUKU?!"

"Oh" me and Hari looked at each other as I looked at him confused "girl she said she was gonna drag your ass when she finds you" "I don't care, I don't know who she talking about anyways-" "YOU! you fucking slut! You think it's cool to fuck around with peoples boyfriends?! Who the fuck do you think your are" the girl said shouting at me.

I stared at her for a while and shrugged my shoulders "I don't know who you're even talking about" I said walking away "IM TALKING DABI!" I stopped standing still until I sighed looking back at her "I don't even know why you're mad at me, you should be mad at him instead" "besides, you're probably not the only person he's seeing" I say walking away.

But that's when I felt it, her hand grabbing me turning me around and smacking me across the face. My eyes widened as I reached to her pulling her hair, her hand grasped my face as I did the same to her. The coach yelled at us as he separated us "You're lucky I'm not a girl or else I would've actually done something to you!" I say as I kicked my feet while Hari held me tight keeping me away from her.

I sighed once Hari let go of me. I walked away trying to ease off, I can't catch a fucking break from Dabi he's always causing trouble. I walked into the parking lot and saw the same girl arguing with Dabi slapping him before leaving him. I crossed my arms staring at him with a frown on my face as he walked over to me.

"You mad at me too huh" he said making me roll my eyes "obviously, I'm still mad about what you did but now you're dragging me into your problems, I don't want no drama Dabi I'm just trying to move on" "from me?" "Yes, yes you"

"Come on Izuku...I can't move on, I'm still in love with you, you're unforgettable" "I can tell, after all you did say my name while fucking someone else, that's embarrassing" "shut up"
"What? Were  you thinking of me? Were you imagining me under you?" I say softly getting close to him as his hand reached for my waist.

"You're a fucking tease" he whispered. Slowly our faces grew close as our noses bumped, slowly parting my mouth open leaning in until I pushed him walking back to the track abandoning him on his own.

I refuse to give in to him, I don't want to do it again.

I refuse to give in to him, I don't want to do it again

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