Karma: Fifty Five

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"Ahhh! Hey guys! I've missed you all so much!" Toga said with a big smile on her face hugging each one of them. "Damn this place is full" Dabi said as he sat down "yeah it's pretty popular here, thought we'd give it a shot"

The five of them drank talking about how good their lives have been. Jin and Compress had worked up a business together while Toga created a clothing line, Tomura was still in school and Dabi well, he's still Dabi.

"Oh my god Dabi! You should be my next model!" Toga said making him look at her weird "hell nah, I ain't into that shit, find someone else" "pleaseeee! You look perfect for it!" "No" "Dabi!" "Shut up, work with Shiggy or the others" "what ever"

He looked up to his right looking at the tv that hanged on the wall, his heart skipped a beat as he stared in shock. "Holy shit...that's...Izuku?" "Huh?" Tomura looked to where he stared at seeing Izuku on the screen.

"Oh yeah, he's a track star you didn't know that?" "No...shit he really made it?" "Of course he did, he's amazing at it..." "why are they playing this?" "Its the Olympics, your little boyfriend is representing Japan in the race today" compress told him as he watched Dabi stare at the screen. Izuku looked over at the camera and pointed to his shirt that read Japan on it, he winked at the camera with a smile showing off his teeth as Dabi smirked

"Say, You two never kept in touch huh?"

Dabi turned over to Compress and looked away bringing his drink up to his lips "nah...we took a break, a long ass break" "that's sad, never got your chance, someone else already took his hand in marriage"





Izuku's Pov
I smiled waving at the people as I walked through the stadium "Izuku! How are you feeling today?" A woman asked as she pointed her mic at me "oh uh, I'm feeling good, I was a bit nervous earlier when I was running against some really skilled runners. But all went well" I said smiling.

"Pose for the fans Izuku!" A man said putting his camera up. I grabbed my medal holding it up biting into it with a cocky smile, "back at that pose again huh?" Hari said walking up to me. "Hari! Oh I missed you"

"Girl I missed you too! How have you been? I mean I see you everywhere but never hear from you anymore" he said "oh I've been doing good, I'm sorry I haven't called you, I've had so many races and traveling all around, I never have time!"

"But what brings you here at America?" I asked. Hari is always working at Japan, he's a model for a clothing line that recently started making it high in the charts "well the company I work with decided to have a shoot around here, then I remembered about you being here thought I'd stop by to see you" he said with a grin.

I smiled back hugging him one more time before we parted ways since we needed to get some work done, but we planned on seeing each other some time and hanging out like the way we used to, we have so much to catch up on I was excited.

"Izuku, come on you got some fans out here" my manger said getting my attention. I nodded walking up to where he was, I stood still greeting some of the people that came up to me and signing some things they requested to get signed. I always thought that being an athlete was just for the fun of it and to continue the sport you loved, but I never thought I'd  get fans out of it.

"Damn, I feel so nervous right now, I'm meeting my idol" a tall guy said looking down to the ground until he looked up revealing the smirk on his face as those intimidating blue eyes glowed "Dabi..?"


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