The Meet

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Evans pov .
Life sucks, I have a terrible father and mother. But I guess my siblings are okay,but they aren't perfect. Though Elizabeth is trying to be perfect mostly because of father. And Michael is almost never home. Because of his job he is building it finishing building a pizzeria. Pretty sure it's bigger than father's pizzerias. I wonder if I can go see it one day. I just hope I see nobody. I just hate talking to people, oh who am I kidding? I don't ever want to leave my ro- " EVAN!!" I turn to see Elizabeth panting with my door open. " What is it" I wonder why Elizabeth is looking like she ran a mile or more. " DADDY SAID WE ARE GETTING ICE CREAM!! Oh, and Michael needs you." She replied with a huge smile "Eliz, you know when father says that we are going to get ice cream it just means he wants you to to do something for him." Elizabeth's smile went away fast. Her eyes told me "I know"  But she kept quiet. She quickly left because father was calling her. I also left.
Gregory's pov.
I ran and took a sharp left. I wish I listened to Freddy. Soon I felt hands around my waist, and those some hands pulled me in a hidden place. Roxy runs passed me and random person.I look to my left to see who pulled me. It was another kid, he had dark brown hair,green and blue eyes and had a black shirt with stripes. He had shorts and some black shoes. I had never seen him around the pizzeria. He was kinda cute. WHAT AM I THINKING! I just met him. " My name is Gregory" I say trying to not think. The kid just seem to be staring. He seemed a bit shy. But I don't mind! I give his hand. He jumped a little. I soon pull him out of the dark and go to Freddy's room.

(334 words)

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now