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Evan pov.
I open my eyes, thinking I would still be in the Play care. But I see my room, I look around shocked, my plushies in a bunch in the corner of the room, my blue bed and rug my small closet. I quickly leave the room,then I hear a yell I fall on the floor and start crying as I hear laughter. " Your such a cry baby!" With tears rolling down my face I look up it was Micheal. "Don't think I will be taking it easier on you since it's you birthday."Micheal walks away chuckling at his own words.I sit there crying a little longer terrified of he will do on my birthday party.
(Time skip-Evans birthday party)
As everybody is playing and having fun, am stuck under a table balling my eye out.Scared of the main attraction! Fredbear and spingbunny. They are scary like my brother and his friends, speaking of which they walking up to me with their masks,of course I stay underneath the table afraid of them. I then feel a bunch of arm around mine. I start screaming and panicking, kicking and screaming they move closer and closer to Fredbear. " Do you want to give a kiss to Fredbear?crybaby!" They start laughing as they put me in the mouth of Fredbear. I scream for them to pull me out, but they ignore me and continue laughing soon I hear a loud crack. I scream in pain. The laughter stops and soon turns to screams and running, I hear another crack. I scream louder and louder, until I fall into darkness.I open my eyes waking up back in my room with a bad headache a REALLY bad headache, I look around and start hearing voices,laughing, and breathing. I start crying. I soon hear someone yelling my name. I wake up and I see someone shaking me and yelling to wake up.

(326 words-YAY)

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now