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Gregory's pov.
I noticed that Freddy's room is locked. It's never locked, but I guess something happened. I look at the boy behind me, he seemed like he was blushing. I look at our hands. I quickly let go. I blush, "sorry"
Evan Pov.
Gregory quickly lets go. I look at him he looked like if he was blushing. Gregory seemed to be just waiting in front of a door that doesn't seem to open. I look around, this place is huge! I look at Gregory who seemed to be thinking he soon got a idea and started running, I followed him. Soon he stoped in front of a slide " go down" I look at him with a questioned expression. He sigh and went behind me pushed me into to slide. I landed in a ball pit, I move so that Gregory doesn't land on me. As Gregory is going down I look around. I see a weird looking sun ? Star? Just something and he was approaching us I go behind Gregory scared.
Suns pov.
I see a new Friend! And Gregory! I yell in excitement to see some friends! " HELLO GREGORY!! IS THAT A NEW FRIEND?" Gregory smiles and looks behind him " HELLO NEW FRIEND!" The kid jumps and stays behind Gregory " NO NEED TO BE SHY NEW FRIEND!" I grab Gregory and the new friend and leave the ball pit " WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO DO? WE CAN PLAY HIDE AN SEEK, TAG , WE CAN FINGER PAINT, PLAY IN THE BALL PIT! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?" Gregory looks at the new friend and smiles " c-can we f-finger p-paint?" The new friend asks. " WHY OF COURSE!" I quickly leave to give the paint and paper.
Gregory's pov
I didn't know that he likes to paint. " Hey, I never got you name." I say know he can talk " Oh r-right my n-name is Evan." He replied shyly " Nice name!" I say I noticed that sun is coming back with his arms full of art supplies.

( Time skip, am too lazy rn)

I finished with my 3rd finger paint, I look over Evans shoulder to see he is doing. I see he did a old looking yellow bear. It looked like his plushie he was holding. I yawn, sun noticed me yawning " Do you guys need a nap?" I nod and Evan just stares. " ok, I will be right back." Sun walks away to get blankets and pillows. I look at Evan and he looks at me. I quickly look away with butterflies in my stomach. Sun soon comes back with blankets and pillows. We go to a dark place so that sun doesn't need to turn off the lights. And I sleep.

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now