There you are!

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Gregory's pov
I am so glad that Evan didn't ask any more questions, He could have blown my cover, I should be more caref- "Hey Gregory? Where are we going to find food?" Evan asked me confused " oh yeah! Sorry i forgot to tell you, there's a kitchen around us, am sure they have some food." I say looking at my fazwatch " okay," Evan said as he looked over my shoulder to see my fazwatch , weird I can't  seem to find Freddy. I hope he's okay. "Follow me Evan." I pull his hand to the nearest kitchen. I look around to look for some bots or Roxy, chica , Monty , or that weird bunny lady. I noticed that there's no one, I continue pulling him to the the kitchen " here take a seat, I'll go get the food." I tell Evan " okay? Sure." I smile at him. And start to walk away to get some pizza and some drinks.
Evans PoV
Why did feel weird when he smiled at me. Is something wrong? Or what? I sit down still thinking
(Time skip)
I stay still waiting for Gregory still thinking " AM BACK!" I look behind me to see Gregory with some pizza and some soda. " I got pepperoni and cheese" i grab the pepperoni and a soda and started to eat. "Your really hungry huh?" Gregory said with a smile, I nod and continue to eat Gregory started to eat as well. Soon we both finished eating we were about to throw away the trash, until I heard some loud bangs, like something was walking to us , I turn around and told Gregory , soon I heard it stop, right. Behind me . I stay still, and look at Gregory, I notice that he was smiling " There you are Superstar! Who's this?" I turn around and see a big bear " Hello Freddy! This is Evan! And where were you? You didn't come when I was calling you on my Fazwatch." I stay still confused why Freddy didn't attack us. "Sorry Gregory, and Evan. I was recharging." Recharging? I never knew that Freddy could recharge, but whatever. "Superstar are you hurt? I know I was gone for a long time,"
I overheard the conversation that  Gregory and Freddy were having "am okay Freddy!" Gregory said to Freddy to clam him down,

(390 words! :D )

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now