Battery, and a Hand holding.

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( AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT FOR SOOOOO LONG, I just didn't have motivation to write a chapter sorry!)
Gregory PoV.
The beeping gets louder and faster, I panic and start think fast. Then I get a idea, " Evan! Can you get a battery? Right now?" Evan looks at me confused but just asked " we're can I get one?" I quickly say " in the office near us, but be careful" Evan nods I quickly kick him out of the stall with a flashlight and a keycard. As I stay still in the stall waiting for the illusion disc to die.
Evan PoV
Confused I walk slowly out the restroom looking around knowing what is coming after us because Gregory told me while he show me around. I walk out then I see a bot I quickly get out of its view. I move behind it and run to the other side, I was close to the office , but there was two bots going back and forth at the door, I  had a to time them, soon when they were but on there way to the opposite wall not the far from the door I ran. I get into the office I see a couple of boxes I look I them they were full of batteries I grab a bunch and put some in my pockets for myself and some for Gregory. I quickly check to see we're the bots are they were going to the wall I run quickly out the door and run to the restroom. " Gregory? I have the battery" I say " slide it under the door." "Okay." I slide the battery then just stand there not know what to do. Then I heard the toilet flush. Gregory leaves the stall and smiles, " do you want food?" " why did you need the battery?" I ask concerned. " oh umm, my fazwatch needed some battery's! Also I needed to use the bathroom?" " Gregory, you aren't telling the truth." I grab his hand, his face went pink i also went a little pink " Evan, it's okay, don't worry let's just eat." I stare at him he stares back, he turns even redder. " okay let's eat something" we walk out holding hands.

(381 words as a sorry for making you guys wait )

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