I trust you.

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(Hello my sweet bears!! Yes I have given you guys a nickname now, I'm so sorry I haven't posted any chapters yet. I am mostly focused on school, I'll try to post when I can. Also, for my other book, I'm planning of finishing this book first before I start the other, Thank you everyone, and happy pride month!!)

Evan's pov:

A kiss? My face heats up as I imagine how he will kiss me. On the lips? The cheek? Forehead? I could already tell my face is red. I don't even need a mirror, I say in a mostly quiet voice. "I guess you can kiss me..I trust you." I close my eyes tightly waiting..
Gregory's pov:

He actually wants to go through with that?! Heck yes! I see him waiting. I quietly lean forward to his cheek when suddenly. I heard Freddy enter. I immediately launched myself back. Falling down and slamming my head on the table. "OW!" My face was still red but now my head hurt. Evan just sat there trying to process what happened, his face red like a tomato. No, more like a too dark tomato. Freddy stood there with pizza, looking at me and Evan confused. "What happened superstar?" Freddy asked, a bit confused.
"N-nothing..." I keep rubbing my head in shame. I was so close!! Dang it Freddy!! I felt Freddy's eyes looking at the situation. His eyes fell onto Evan's red face. It had embarrassed and disappointed written all over his face. "Are you sure everything is okay Gregory? Because Evan's face is-" "EVERYTHING IS FINE!!" Evan yelled out, clearly trying to cover everything up. His face still red with embarrassment.

Evan's pov:

Crap. Now I made us look more suspicious. Freddy is just looking at us so confused and I'm here looking like an idiot while Gregory is still rubbing his head. What a mess...all because Gregory wanted to kiss me..I sigh still feeling the disappointment in my chest.

(335 words.)

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now