Kiss me

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Evan's pov,
I look at the time. It was late already, Michel said he would pick me up in the morning, so I have to do something about that kiss, I still wanted it, my chest was still heavy with disappointment. I look at the mess in front of me, Freddy was checking on Gregory since he hit his head hard. I look at Gregory noticing the disappointment in his eyes, i started to think, Making up a plan.

(Time skip, because they fell asleep in the end.)

Gregory's pov,
I woke up, Evan was cuddling me. I smile, I get up and went to eat some pizza Freddy left, I suddenly heard Evan stumble awake. "Are you okay Evan?" A slight concern in my voice. Evan nods. "Uh, I have to go now. My brother must be here." I nod, and sigh. "I'll walk you there." Soon me and Evan walk over to the door. Right before we reach the entrance, I felt Evan pull on my arm. "Gregory, I...uh...screw it, just kiss me."

(Cliffhanger again, 181 words.)

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now