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Evan pov.
As Gregory sleeps I look around, I don't want to sleep, I don't need sleep. I get up and walk out of the dark room. "Hehe, naughty boy, naughty boy, you should be asleep." I look above me I see a moon looking thing, I quickly run to the playground, and hide near a slide. I can't fight back or else Gregory may get suspicious.As I stay in the playground I hear giggles I look down the slide. I accidentally fell down the slide, I land on my face. I look up The Moon thing was right there. I get up, I was about to say something but then Gregory went in front of me and started to yell at The moon. I got a weird feeling in my stomach, soon Gregory grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the nap place. I look behind me The Moon thing started to walk away.
Gregory pov
WHAT WAS EVAN THINKING?! GOING NEAR MOON! Whatever at least he wasn't hurt. We arrive were I was sleeping " What were you thinking Evan?" Evan looks at me knowing I was a bit mad. He looks at me with sad eyes, but he doesn't say anything. " just go to sleep" I say annoyed I sit down and look at Evan he was still standing up. I grab his hand and pull him down right next to me. I put his head right on my shoulder and waited for Evan to fall asleep first.

(266 words- Sorry if it's short I will make sure the next part is longer.)

Evan x Gregory Life sucks ( maybe)Where stories live. Discover now