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(I AM SOOO SORRY! I know I haven't been posting a lot but school has started again so I was really busy. I am so sorry, I'll try to get a better schedule so I can continue post, anyways enjoy this chapter!)

Gregory PoV
I smile at Freddy, I am really happy that he cares about me so much. He's like a father to me. I look at Evan and notice he was keeping his distance, I get a bit worried but I don't say anything. I turn to look at Freddy, "Freddy? Is it okay for me walk around alone with Evan? If we see Roxy or chica or anybody we will hide quickly." I smile at Freddy, he nods and waves me off. I ran to Evan and grab his hand and pull him to a place more private.

Evan PoV
Gregory pulls me away from Freddy, I felt my face get hotter as he held my hand and pulled me along. I try to think of something else, we walked a bit longer i looked around and noticed that Gregory was looking at me, worried. "Is everything okay?" I say slightly worried about him.  He smiles at me and nods,  I had the weird feeling again, why does his smile aways make me feel weird? And why does my face turn hot? "Evan?"  Gregory said in a curious voice "oh! Yes?"  I smile at him "why did you stay away from Freddy? He isn't like the others."   Gregory seems worried on why I wasn't near Freddy. To be honest I always had a fear of Freddy, especially after that day..  "umm..I just have a slight fear!"  I didn't want to lie to him for some reason, I smile at him. He nods and let's go of my hand I wanted him to hold my hand for even longer but I guess it's fine. Gregory started to walk, he was looking around for something. I started to walk behind him, I was about to ask him something even before I tripped on something and fell down. "Ow!"  I felt like I landed on something else besides the floor, I open my eyes and realised that I landed on Gregory, I quickly get off of him but my ankle hurts so I fell right back on the floor. Gregory giggles a bit and gets off of the floor and helps me up. I couldn't stand that well, "here, you can lean on me. I'll help you move around."  I nod and lean a bit on him, he put my arm around his shoulder, he placed his hand on my waist to help me stand better,  I felt my heart beating faster then before I felt my face turn hotter, I try to think of something else to distract myself.
Gregory PoV
Poor Evan he fell and hurt his ankle but it was kinda funny for some reason, I smile and start walking slowly. We were walking around until I decided to go to Freddy's room, I started to pull Evan along while we were walking there.

(520 words)

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