canoes are plastic for a reason (1)

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It was just another normal day at camp half-blood. At least as normal as it can get for a camp for demigods.

It was Thursday morning. Which meant canoeing class. Jason wasn't particularly exited about canoeing but Percy seemed stocked about it so he joined his friend. Not that he had the option of not going anyway.

"C'mon Grace! Thought you said you were fast." Percy joked. Jason was infact faster. He could run as fast as lightning if he wanted to. But he was feeling a little bit off.

Percy seemed to notice and jogged back to Jason. "Hey! You ok?' the son of Poseidon asked him. "Yeah... I mean I don't know. I just have this weird feeling. Like a tingle. I don't know." Jason said and threw his hands up. "I guess I'm ok."

"Are you sure?" Percy asked concerned. "Have you ever felt this way before?"

"No I don't think so.." Jason shook it off and waved Percy off. "It's fine it'll go away." Percy didn't seem satisfied with the other boy's answer but he didn't push it.

They jogged to the lake and waited for coach hedge to show up and give them a partner. Soon enough the goat legged man walked to the dock. He started pointing at people two at a time to show them their partners. Jason ended up with Percy. He was happy to be with the son of the sea god. He didn't want to admit it but he was a little terrified of the deep waters. He didn't like the uncertainty that lied at the bottom of a lake or the sea. He was much better in the air where everything could be seen as far as your eyes go.

"Alright cupcakes jump in a canoe!" Coach blew his whistle and everyone knew the drill. They had to make two rounds around the lake and then go across to the other side. Something like a theta (Θ).

Jason and Percy were at the middle of their second lapse when Jason's paddles started feeling heavier. That's when he noticed the boy infront of him had stopped paddling. "Hey Perce everything alright? Why did you stop?"

Percy completely ignored the question. A bunch of campers passed them with their canoes and gave them weird looks. They should be crossing the lake by now. Jason worried.

He shook Percy's shoulder and tried to turn the son of Poseidon to face him. When he laied his hand on his shoulder to turn Percy around he grabbed Jason's wrist and flipped him into the water.

Jason swam back to the surface and approached the canoe. "Dude" Jason yelled water running from his hair and filling his mouth. He spat. "What was that for?" He looked up at Percy. His eyes were unfocused and his breathing uneven. Tears started to form into his sea green eyes turning them a muddy shade of green.

"Hey uh... Are you alright?" Jason asked his friend and grabbed the canoe to help himself up again. In the process Percy let out an earpieceing scream and raised his hands in a swift motion.

The water around them started getting angry and shook the orange plastic boat, throwing Jason back into the water. Then before he could take a breath two big waves crushed him and picked him up in the air. Jason coughed as he struggled to take whole breaths. He heard screams and shouts of the campers below him and was thankful that they had made it to the shore. Although his hearing was muffled from all the water that had filled his ears he was pretty sure he heard Percy sobbing and mumbling something.

The waves started to fall back not as gently as Jason would have liked and started dragging him under the surface. Jason fought to swim back up but the current was too powerful. He could feel his chest burning from the lack of oxygen.

Though black spots swam in Jason's vision he was pretty sure he saw a bunch on water nymphs surrounding him and he thought he felt their hands grabbing his arms and trying to pull him up, despite the force of the current. There was no use.

The water suddenly pushed him up and threw him in the air. Jason used this opportunity to order a gust of wind and steady himself in the sky. He took deep ragged breaths. Then with the corner of his eye he saw small lines of water like vains approach him. They were moving slow. At least at first they did. Then in a blink of an eye the water sprung to action and forced its way in Jason's mouth and nose. He was chocking.

He let the current that was holding him in the air go and summoned a strong wind that blew the water away. When the lines had turned to millions of small droplets Jason fell into the lake again. He had to get to the shore to catch his breath.

He swam back to the top but when he made it near the surface he couldn't brake free. Like the surface bend to match his movements. So when he rose it followed him. The son of Jupiter felt his strength fade. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He banged his hands trying to brake the surface of the lake but it wouldn't budge. He assumed that if he wasn't under water tears would start forming in his eyes.

He called to his father for help. When nothing happened he wasn't that surprised. Jason felt the pain in his chest grow and he was struggling to keep his mouth closed. He wanted to let go. To open his mouth and let the water in. But he was a fighter he wouldn't go so easily.

Jason screamed although the campers couldn't hear him above the surface. Then with Jason's scream came a bright stroke of light that landed straight in the lake. The blonde felt the power of lightning surge through his body. It was different though. Not like he usually felt when he summoned lightning.

It was painful. He screamed  and when his voice stopped working the water rushed in his mouth and the darkness of the ocean that scared him so much swallowed him whole.

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