save yourself first (4)

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When Will's light stopped blinding him he looked around and saw over a dozen demigods sitting up on their beds. Confusion was clearly written on their faces.

"What the hell?" He asked Apollo. "They-they where healed!"

A thud got him out of his trance. The younger son of Apollo looked back and recognized the blonde boy that had just slumped onto the floor. "Will!" He exclaimed and rushed to his brothers side. The bandages Apollo had wrapped around his torso where soaked through with blood. Will's eyes were dazed and his eyeleads seemed to grow heavy.

"Will I swear to gods if you close your eyes right now I will get Di Angelo!"

"How is he?" Will asked with a slight smile on his face. His voice sounded sleepy and quiet. Not normal for a child of Apollo like Will. With the drowsy smile on his face Will looked like he was drunk and Austin wished it would have been just that.

Austin sighed and tried to remember spotting Di Angelo anywhere during the battle. "Last I saw him he was fighting somewhere near the woods."

"Is he- is he ok now?" Gods! This boy would die and he didn't even care. He was asking about his boyfriend's wellbeing. "I don't know. I haven't seen him."

Austin was glad his brother was talking. It meant he was fighting to stay awake. "Oh. Ok" Will breathed. It seemed like with every word he said he was pulled further into the darkness.

"Uh Will?" Austin was trying to help Will. But his powers were gone now. He couldn't heal him. He wished Kayla was awake. She always had a plan.

"Mhm?" Will muttered. "Tell me why you left before we came.."

"Jason." Will took a deep breath like he hadn't been breathing for a while. "I heard- I heard Jason scream. And I couldn't wait. I don't know. I just..." The rest of the sentence turned into incoherent mumbles and the son of Apollo fell out of the bed.

'I swear he will have so much head trauma after this.' Austin thought and plopped his brother on the bed again.

He took a few steps back and ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and closed his eyes. He focused on his job. He made a mental list of things he had to do to help his brother.

First stop the bleeding. He unwrapped Will's injury. He gasped at the sight of the wound. Will had three massive holes in his chest. But not just the typical stab wound. Austin was pretty sure he could slide his arm straight through Will.

He filled a bowl with water and started cleaning up the blood. It was hard since it never really stoped flowing but he managed to get a few seconds to inspect the wound. Will was lucky. Well clearly not but he was lucky the wound hadn't gotten infected.

The younger brother pulled some cloths out of a box and placed one on each side of the injury. He grabbed a long piece of gauze and started wrapping it around Will. He made sure the cloth was tight around the blond boy's chest to stop at least some of the bleeding. 

Then Will shot up again and gave a punch in the air. His hand landed on the wall splattering blood allover. He winced and fell back to his bed.

Austin was really confused at this point.

°•~*time skip*~•°

It was night now. And since that time that Will punched the wall he had had a lot of episodes. Each ending in him bursting in light and screaming.

Austin decided he wanted to take a look at Will's wound. So he unwrapped the bandages and got ready to put the new ones on. But then he noticed that Will's body was trying to heal itself. Then it struck him. "Dad! Dad!" He shouted and ran to Will's office where Apollo was hanging out now since he was in charge.

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