save yourself first (2)

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Apollo ran to his son's side. "Will?" the god shook Will's shoulders. When the demigod didn't respond his father sat him up and placed him against the wall.

Apollo then noticed blood sipping through the bandages that wrapped around Will's body. "What in the Underworld?" The god breathed. He untied the bandages and started unwrapping them. "Gods Will" he gasped when the last end of the cloth was peeled off revealing three fairly large holes underneath Will's ribs.

He went to pick up Will but his son pushed him away. "Austin. Austin first" the young healer said. Will noticed his chest had started to tighten but didn't inform his father. 'Gods it hurts' he thought.

Apollo hesitantly left Will there, supported against the wall, and walked to Austin's side. The younger camper was in worse shape than his sister.

Austin was covered head to toe with monster dust and scrapes. The left sleve of his dirty orange jacket was torn to shreds and sticking out of his shoulder was an arrow. It was stuck underneath his collarbone and weird greenish smoke was coming out of it.

Apollo placed his palm on the left side of Austin's sternum and slowly plucked the arrow from his shoulder, not wanting to cause anymore damage.

When the arrow was wiggled free of Austin's collarbone a drip of something liquid fell near his arm and started sizzling burning through the cot. Apollo brought the silver weapon closer to his face to examine the green acid-like liquid.

"Liquid Greek fire." a voice from a little further behind said. Although the words were blurred with the unsettling sound of a groan. Apollo turned to look at it's source and his expression fell when he saw Will dragging himself up the wall and across to where his brother lay. Where Will had been only seconds ago now stood a big red smear of blood and a few bloody handprints.

"Damnit Will! Put your ass down. I can't help you if you die first!" Apollo complained. Will pushed him aside and snatched the arrow from his father's hands. "Crap" the demigod mumbled in a weak voice and let the weapon fall to the floor.

"You have to heal him now!" Will snapped at his father. "Otherwise he may not wake up. It's been to long. The poison has probably burned through his-" Will paused and took a deep shaky breath as if trying to keep down a scream. "Burned through his healing powers. You have to heal him before it burns through his life force!"

"Will I can't. You know I can't. I get involved too much as it is. There is-" but Apollo didn't get to finish his sentence. His son that was barely holding on pushed him aside and started chanting under his very unstable breath a hymn to the god. Apollo snapped back to reality as Will's palms light up and he touched his brother's wounded shoulder.

The god quickly grabed Will's wrists and got them way from Austin's body in hopes that the blonde hadn't managed to use his powers yet. But he was too late. The previously unconscious demigod sucked in a large breath and jolted up.

As for Will. His body went limb just after Austin had waken up. As if he wanted to make sure his brother was ok first. He was now dangling like a rag doll in the God's grip.

"Wha-what happened?" Austin blurted out. "Where is Kayla? We went to the infirmary but Will wasn't there and we went out to look for him and-" Austin gasped at the sight of his brother hanging limbly.

"Holly Hera" he breathed. He jumped up from the bed and helped Apollo set his brother up. Austin tried summoning light to help his brother but nothing came out. "Dad..." Austin's voice trailed off.

Apollo was in a trance of panic. His movements were rushed and his eyes wild. 'Pull yourself together God damnit!' he told himself as he piled gauze pads  on Will's stomach. He took a deep breath and explained to Austin what had happened.

"No" the boy said. "I can't - I should-" he stammered. "Austin I know it's a lot to take in but I need you here." The god tried to snap his son out if it. Austin took a deep breath and relaxed. His dad was right. He had to help him save Will.

They were both trying to think of a way to heal his internal injuries since they were causing him the most damage. None of them could heal him with magic now.


A/N: sorry this part is short and it once again has Will knocked out cold but give it a little time it'll get better. (I think)

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