save yourself first (3)

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Kayla was still unconscious. "Gods!" Austin shouted and banged his hands on Will's bed. "Why now! Fuck!" The demigod hissed and ran a hand through his hair.

A silence filled the room. An uncomfortable dead silence. Then cheers filled the air. The demigods had managed to overcome the monsters. And at this moment Austin knew a flood of injured campers would burst through the doors of the infirmary.

He was of course right. A dozen demigods from all the cabins rushed in. Other limping other supported by other demigods and some completely unconscious carried by friends.

"Dad what do we do? Will- he.. he is the only one left with healing powers there is no way I can heal all these people." Austin panicked. "Austin" Apollo said and laied both of his hands at his son's shoulders. "You may have lost your powers but you are still a doctor. You can still help the injured." Austin took a deep breath and started tending to the campers with lesser injuries like broken bones and cuts that needed stitching.


Meanwhile Apollo concentrated back on Will. Behind the unconscious healer Piper started moving again. "What the hell?" She asked and rubbed her head. "Miss McLean." Apollo said. "I'm so glad you could join us. I would advise you to lay back down." He said in a calm voice.

"Yeah right!" Piper scoffed and sat up. She immediately felt light headed and plopped back down. "Ok maybe I will." A small smile appeared on the gods face. "Wait. Why are you here?" She asked Apollo. She clearly had a concussion. "I'm here to help" he said and decided to bandage Will's wound again. He had no idea on how to help him.

He started rushing around helping Austin until Kayla came to. She was knocked out cold and Austin seemed to be concerned for his last two siblings.

Just like Austin Apollo couldn't get his mind off of one of the unconscious kids. Will. His golden boy. The god looked up from time to time in hope to find his son moving but nothing happened.

That's when Jason Grace barged in. He looked around in a haze and when he spotted Piper resting on the bed he ran to her and hugged her. They seemed to be in their own little separate wold until Jason's gaze landed on Will.

He hadn't forgotten about him. "Apollo!" The son of Jupiter shouted. Apollo raised his head from setting an archers arm. "Is he ..." Jason trailed off. "No. No. He-he isn't dead. Yet." The god sighed. Jason laid a hand on the healer's forehead. He pulled away immediately. "Shit!" He hissed and shook his hand. "Apollo he is burning up. Like- lightning bolt barbecue burning up!"

Apollo ran to his son's aid. He placed a had on Will's chest an when he pulled it back it was red. Like he'd gotten a first degree burn. "What in the name of Olympus?" The god looked puzzled.

Then as if on que Will's eyes shot open and his face scrunched up in pain. A scream ripped his throat and a harsh golden light poured out of his body, momentarily blinding everyone.

Apollo was the only one able to see (since he's a god and all) and he ran to Will and grabbed his wrists. "Will stay awake. You have to stay awake." The god pleaded. "I need you to take a few deep breaths ok?"


The pain was unbearable. Will felt as if every single one of his atoms was slit open. Then came the weird light. Where did that come from? Was he in Elysium? No. He realized. The light was radiating off of him. He panicked for a moment.

Then he heard the familiar voice of his father. "I need you to breathe ok?". Will tried to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. He managed short breaths that got stopped in his throat by blood at various moments. As he breathed, he relaxed and the harsh light started fading.

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