go on, pass out

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As Frank was trying to figure out how to wear his toga for the fifth time today someone knocked on his door. He let out a frustrated groan before struggling out of the bedsheet and throwing it across the room.

He tried to gather himself in case it was someone important like Reyna. Or just Octavian. He was already against making Frank centurion of the fifth just for the sake of the quest he was specifically assigned to.

Frank walked to the door and took a deep breath faking his best smile. He opened the door and his muscles relaxed. It was Hazel. Upon seeing her he yelped "Oh thank Gods it's you!" and practically jumped on her hugging her and bringing her inside.

"Hey Frank what's up?" Asked Hazel that was caught off guard by Frank's actions.

Frank held her closer and tightened his grip on her "I have been trying to wear this stupid piece of fabric and it never looks like it's supposed to and I-I can't find my bow and I always seem to find that stupid spear infront of me and it keeps reminding me of how much bad luck I have because out of all the Gods the one that had to be my father is stupid Mars and he wants me to be this perfect soldier but I'm not perfect at all and I keep thinking how he bullied Reyna to give me this stupid medal I don't even remember what it's for!" He said with one breath stumbling on the words as he said them as quickly as he could.

Frank realized he had stopped holding Hazel and was now pacing back and forth.

I'm out of breath. Why am I out of breath? What is happening? I don't have ADHD like the others. Why can't I concentrate? When did I start pacing?

He didn't even realize he was crying. Only when Hazel's face softened and she wrapped her arms around him he felt the hot tears on his cheeks.

"Hey, hey!" Hazel said with a soft voice filled with sympathy. "It's okay. Frank you were born to lead! You were the one to get the fifth back in the game yesterday! You lead us to victory. So start breathing again and let me go ask someone to help you with your toga!"

Frank took a few deep breaths and wiped his eyes. When Hazel left he went to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. He looked in the mirror and recited Hazel's words from before in his head.

After a while Hazel came back with Gwen (the one Frank was going to replace). Frank didn't feel comfortable with the help Hazel had picked but he decided it was better than Dakota who would just restlessly jump around and throw the toga on him.

"Nervous huh?" Gwen asked as she secured the fabric on Frank's left shoulder. "I remember when I was elected centurion. Well I'm all done here." She patted his shoulder sympathetically and to Frank it seemed like she was saying I'm so sorry for what is about to happen to you. And that didn't help with his anxiety.

Gwen smiled at Hazel and gave her a nod to say goodbye. Then she walked out the door and the room was silent again.

"So I think I'm going to let you relax before the....thing. Just try to calm down ok?" Hazel tried to reassure him. She walked to the door and before she stepped out she turned to face him again. "It might feel like the leadership was forced on you but trust me Frank when I say you deserve it." The daughter of Pluto said and closed the door.

Frank let some tears slip from his eyes when Hazel was out of sight. He was so damn frustrated. There was only half an hour untill he would have to face the Senate.


Hazel was waiting for Frank in the Senate house. He was running a little late but nothing had started yet and nobody seemed to be looking for him except for herself so all was good. But Hazel was worried about Frank.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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