save yourself first (1)

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Will was in the infirmary, as usual, treating a few patients with small injuries. It was just a normal day so no one had any major problems. But then a sound made Will look up from his work.

The camp's horn blew in the distance and echoed through the fields. The pattern it made had a specific meaning. Monsters.

Monsters had invaded camp. Everyone rushed outside and ran towards the border. From the woods a sea of monsters made it's way to the big house.

Will stood at the entrance of the infirmary. His hands were clutching each side of the door frame and not too long after he started tapping his foot out of anxiety.

The Apollo cabin, or at least what remained of it, which was actually just Will, Austin and Kayla, had made a plan for occasions like that. The three of them had to meet up in the infirmary and go out together to help any injured demigods and help fight the monsters. Austin had said this would help them have each other's backs.

Will was growing impatient. The cries of pain and anguishing screams of the campers made his stomach do flips. He gave a quick look around the infirmary to make sure his siblings were truly not there yet.

He was about to take another look when he heard it. The scream of Jason Grace. His voice rang out loud and clear. Will was supposed to wait for his siblings but he couldn't.

He grabbed a medical bag, threw his bow over his shoulder, strapped a quiver of arrows to his belt and dove into the fight. He dodged monsters and swards and looked around for the blond boy.

Instead he found a girl. A familiar girl. Piper. She was slumped on the floor not moving. Will put all his might to run to her as fast as possible.

He immediately grabed her wrist and checked for a pulse. His heart stopped when he didn't find one. He rushed his fingers to her neck and checked again.

Will let out a sigh when he felt the beat under his fingers. It was faint but it was there. Then he moved to treating her wound. She had a deep gash on her side and some short of head injury.

When he was done Will pulled Piper's limb body up from the floor. He was supporting her whole weight. He carried her to the infirmary.

On his way he spotted two bodies on the floor. They were wearing clothes just like his. The typical CHB vibrant orange t-shirt and a white cloth with a red cross around their biceps.
"No." He breathed.

"Austin! Kayla!" He shouted Piper still over his shoulder. He rushed over to his siblings and stood over their bodies. He couldn't get them all to the infirmary in one trip.

And he knew he couldn't afford going there twice. His help was needed on the field.

Will felt tears stinging his eyes. "Dad please. Get them to the infirmary. Please Dad I-I need you! I've done so many things for you!" Then the bodies of his siblings and his friend flashed to the infirmary in a golden flash of light.

Will sighed and decided he couldn't break down now. Not when he was the only experienced healer still standing.

He focused as best as he could to find the blonde son of Jupiter.

An uneasy feeling crept up his spine when he couldn't spot his friend amongst the other demigods.

He looked around panicked and pulled his hair. But then he spotted a mop of blond hair slumped on the floor and the figure that wore a purple shirt was curled in pain.

Will ran to Jason's side and knelt beside him. He immediately oppened his bag and started treating his friend.

Jason had a nasty dite mark on his shoulder. Will recognized that bite mark. It was long and the flesh around it was blackened. Hellhound he mentally noted. Will knew he couldn't heal him just with bandages and pills. He set his equipment aside and pressed his hands on Jason's shoulder.

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