canoes are plastic for a reason (2)

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Anabeth was partnered with Leo. She was determined to finish before Percy and Jason. Before they started she turned to Leo. "Hey we have to win this thing." Leo grinned at her. "You know this isn't a contest right?" Anabeth scoffed and turned to get on the plastic boat, Leo on her heel.

Anabeth seemed to carry the team because Leo's paddles didn't seem to push back any water in order for them to move forward. "Hey Annie want to lay back a bit? I can't help you if you do everything." He said trying to match her pace.

"First of all don't call me that. Second it's not my fault you're slow!" Leo rolled his eyes and continued paddling without purpose.

Of course Percy and Jason were much faster that them. Percy was the son of Poseidon the god of the seas and Jason was son of Zeus. The lightning god. He could be really fast if he put his mind to it.

But when Leo snapped back to reality (stupid ADHD) he didn't see the boys' boat infront of them. "What the hell?" He asked Anabeth who was sitting in the front. "What?" She turned to face him. "Where did they go?" Leo asked her more specifically.

She laughed hysterically. Leo was actually a little scared of Anabeth. She intimidated him. He was mathematically smart sure. He knew how to work machines and the laws of physics. But she was clever and quick to think. It amaized him actually. How quick she could come up with efficient plans.

Leo realized he had gotten distracted once more so he focused again and looked back to see what had happened to the expected winners. He assumed that if they had passed them something must have happened to their boat.

When he looked he saw the rest of the campers following them. But he couldn't spot Jason and Percy's canoe. A movement caught his eye and he saw Jason getting flipped into the lake.

Then he felt the boat crush on something and shake. They had finished. "Ground control to major Tom?" Anabeth waved her hand infront of Leo's face. He snapped his head in her direction. "Huh? What?"

Anabeth looked concerned."Leo did you take your ADHD medication today? You got distracted three times on the last fifteen minutes." Leo was lost for a moment again. "Huh? Oh shit. Right! Fuck I forgot about that." He hit his face and crawled out if the boat. Soon after other campers started to gather on the dock. When Leo didn't see Jason and Percy he remembered what distracted him last time.

"Hey Anabeth I think something is wrong with-" he was cut off by the earth shaking.

Rings formed on the lake and and a splash was heard. It was Jason that once again had fallen in the water. "Oh no." Anabeth said under her breath. Then Percy bend the water to his will and just when Jason's head popped up he summoned two enormous hand-like waves and picked Jason up.

"What what is happening?" Leo asked Anabeth not daring to take his eyes off his friends. "Percy is having an episode!" Anabeth told him and jumped into the lake. "Wait Anabeth-" he tried to stop her. But she was already halfway there.

When Anabeth was about to reach out to her boyfriend the waves that held Jason up for so long fell back and dragged the boy with them. When they fell another set of circles formed and their force pushed back Anabeth. She was all the way back to the dock.

Leo rushed at her and pulled her out. She started coughing and spitting. Leo turned her to the side so that she would stop choking and laied his hand on her shoulder. "Anabeth! Anabeth you are ok." He said and patted her shoulder. When she was done choking the daughter of Athena lied on her back and took deep breaths. "I'm ok. I'm alright!" She waved Leo off and sat up.

When the son of Hephaestus made sure Anabeth was indeed alright he turned his attention back to the lake. He saw Jason. He was almost up. But when he kicked his feet one last time to get to the surface it followed him up. Like one of Lou Ellen's cloaking spells.

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