canoes are plastic for a reason (3)

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Last thing he remembered was the unexpected pain of electricity. Why on earth did it hurt so damn much? He never had issues with lighting. Like NEVER! The only feeling it ever gave him was exhaustion from the lack of energy after the event. Now he was both drained and in pain.

He felt hands wrapping around his biceps and pulling him up. The forced movement made his skin stretch and he felt as if he was shattering in pieces. Jason screamed and successfully stopped himself from pushing the people that had gotten him up. He looked at either of his sides and tried to recognize the people holding him up. On his left was definitely Will Solace. The Apollo kid. His vibrant blue eyes and golden hair couldn't be mistaken.

On his right though he couldn't recognize the demigod that was helping him. His vision from his right eye was like when you try to take a picture but the lighting is too bright and through the camera it all seems to blur into white. He was pretty sure the person had bronze skin and brown hair. At first he thought it was Piper but then he noticed how much shorter the demigod was and decided on Leo.

He would have thanked them but even if he did he was sure he wouldn't hear himself. Jason noticed his ears were buzzing and his hearing was muffled to non-existent.

At first he was trying to walk with Will and Leo but now that he payed attention to himself again they were dragging him. His feet were digging the ground. That's when it hit him. He was constantly falling into unconsciousness.

A wave of panic washed over him and his body tensed. The demigods by his side would have lost their grip on him. If they were still holding him.

Jason felt something soft pressed behind his back. He immediately sat up and opened his eyes. He could still see only out of one eye, the other showing white.

Pain surged through his body and he let out a loud cry of pain. He fell to his knees and before his face could hit the floor he caught himself.

Under his palms he recognized the cold touch of the infirmary tiles. Immediately the smell of medicine and blood filled his nostrils. He took a deep breath when he realized he was safe.

Then a bunch of people barged in through the door and he heard muffled shouts. He caught glimpse of Will's dirty white converses and felt hands cup his face.

Jason hissed when the person touched his face and he was reminded of the burns covering his body. He looked up and his eyes met Piper's colorful ones.

"Jason?" She said with tears in her eyes. Jason was trying to read her lips and with the somewhat of the things he could hear he could make out what she was saying. "Will get here he's awake!" She shouted to someone on the side, probably Will.

Piper looked back at him and gave him a sad smile. She grabbed him by the shoulders and guided him back to his bed.

Then came a bright light, that didn't help his eye. And that light cleared his ears. There was no more buzzing. No more muffled sounds. He could hear them clearly.

Jason looked around and identified the demigods in his room. Next to him was Piper. Holding his hand.

On his other side was Will, hovering over him with his hands moving around doing medical stuff like always.

On the corner of the room by the door were his friends. Anabeth, Percy and Nico. They were all smiling at him. He was happy to see them again. But something was off. Something was missing.

Not something, someone.

"Where is Leo?" Jason asked with a raspy voice. The others pointed to the wall behind Will.

There passed out on the floor was the son of Hephaestus. Jason tensed. "What's wrong with him? Is he ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." Piper sighed. "He has been here since he brought you in. Stupid elf didn't listen to me when I said to go get some rest." She sighed again and looked at Leo's body. "He was here for the whole week! He didn't sleep a second. He passed out last night." Piper said.

"Hold up." Jason said and shook his head. "Play back. A week?!" He gasped. Was he really so out of it?

There was a flash of light followed by the sound of thunder that made the son of Jupiter flinch. It brought back the memory of the accident.

When the light cleared out Zeus was standing in the room near Piper. "Dad." Jason exclaimed. And then the most unexpected thing happened.

The ruler of the Gods of Olympus hugged Jason Grace. His son.

End Of First Story
"canoes are plastic for a reason"

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