Hajime Kokonoi | Replacement

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"You should go blonde."

Kokonoi says, playing in your hair. You look up at him.

"Why?" You ask, tugging on your hair. Is there something wrong with it?

He shrugs. "I don't know. You should grow out your hair too, so that when we straighten it, it's like... shoulder length?" He suggests.

"I don't know, bae. I'm not tryna put random products in my hair..." You mumble, trying to let him down gently.

"But you would look cute with some bangs, Darling-"

"I don't feel like I would." I cut him off.

He shoots up from his spot on the couch, causing my head to fall out his lap. He scowls down at me before speaking.

"Is this how you treat me?! I give you anything you ask for and more! But when I ask for one thing from you, you shut down?" He mocks.

You look at him shocked. "What? No, it's not-"

"No, it's fine. Don't ask me for anything since I'm obviously asking for too much." He spits, cutting you off.

He walks away, not even sparing you a glance. For the remainder of the week, Kokonoi has stopped taking you shopping and giving you attention altogether.

Cuddles? No.

Kisses? No.

Making love? No.

It's almost as if he doesn't love you anymore. So you stare at your reflection, picking at all of your insecurities. Big or small.

Was it my face? Perhaps my teeth? Am I too fat? Do I smell bad? The only reason he keeps me around is to flex me as his bitch until he finds someone else. After all, I look nothing like his ex's. Is that it? Just a little plastic surgery to make him love me again?

"This one, Darling?"

Kokonoi's beautiful voice pulls you out of your thoughts of nose jobs. You look up from your fiddling hands to find him holding up a tacky sunflower dress. In fact, this isn't where you and Koko would usually go shopping. Saying thrift shops and such are for the poor. Regardless, you nod your head.

However, I do believe Kokonoi and someone else used to shop here? What was their name again?

'A' ... No, maybe something with an 'I'?

"I knew you would like this dress, Akane..." Koko trails off, cupping your cheek and looking at you lovingly.

You don't mind the new nickname. What was their name again? It doesn't matter. You're already at checkout. Jeez, that's gonna aggravate you.

"Fix your face." Kokonoi scrunched his nose at you. "This is my resting face?" You tilt your head at him. He only scoffs at you.

Is it my fault? I should've taken up that plastic surgery. Surely Kokonoi isn't still mad about your little argument? It's been 3 weeks. Maybe it's best not to disturb him with your insufficient thoughts. After all, you would always catch him on his phone looking at some green-eyed blonde. We'll just go with that.

5 Months Later

It's been at least 5 months since your surgery. You even decided to go shoulder-length blonde, just so that Kokonoi may be even more pleased.

No missed calls or texts? He must be busy looking for me! Gosh, he's right, I really am useless! I'll have to apologize...

Unlocking the door in your sunflower dress, you walk through the front door to find Kokonoi on the couch with some tanned blonde. His secretary, maybe? Why have your arm around her though? Doesn't matter! She'll be gone in a matter of seconds!

"Kokonoi! Babes, I did my hair just like you wanted! I saw you looking at a photo with you, some girl, and what's his name? Inui? So I tried my best to look like her!" You beam.

Kokonoi looks up at you at the mention of Inui's name. He takes in your features before looking absolutely disgusted.

"(y/n), what the fuck..." He looks down at you like you're nothing more than the pavement he steps on.

Wait, (y/n)?

Not Darling or Akane?

You tilt your head at him, confused.

"Get the fuck out and leave your key on the counter." He says, scoffing.

A guard escorts you out, making sure you leave the keys before closing and locking the door in your face. With nothing but your dress, slightly frizzy and bleached hair, and new face.

As you walk away, you check your bank account and notice Koko took his money out ever since your argument. The surgery and getting your hair bleached came out of your own pocket.

This is enough to buy green contacts, right?



Do I regret writing this? No.

Did it hurt? Yes.

Just to be clear, the picture in question has Akane, Kokonoi, and Inui all together.

So when (y/n) saw Kokonoi looking at the photo, and saw Akane, she assumed that was Kokonoi's type and went with her.

I'm so proud of myself for uploading so consistently. 🤭 ❤️

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