When you get disrespectful

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At first, he's okay with it. He knows this is how you act, so he gives you space.

However, if you keep going on for hours, it starts to tick him off.


He doesn't like it. The first few times, he'll talk to you about it, let you know what he does and does not tolerate.

But if this is a repeating thing, he'll break up with you sooner or later.

Why be with someone who acts like they can't listen?


He can and will tune you out. If you're being disrespectful over something small, he'll ignore you. If it's something serious, he's gonna raise his voice, but he's not gonna be disrespectful back.

He knows how to handle his shit for the most part.


He's always willing to talk it out and be a team player, but when you're being disrespectful towards his family and friends, that's something different.

He can handle you shit talking and yelling at him, but his loved ones is just something he doesn't play about.

He will comment on the people you hang out with and your family issues if you go too far.


This man is so kind and gentle, it's hard to even disagree with him. But when you do, it's something serious.

That being said, the fact that you get mad disrespectful, ticks him off.

Though, he will try to isolate himself to calm down. He won't raise his voice or hit you. He will wait till you're calm to talk to you about your attitude and what needs to be fixed.

If this repeats, he'll start keeping you away from his sisters and spend less time with you because you always start something. Sooner or later, he'll break up with you.


His world literally revolves around you. He will do anything to make you happy, so how you managed to upset him is bizarre.

He can tolerate it at first, but once you bring up his family problems and other personal issues, it starts to be really hard for him to keep taking it. He will tell you once or twice and that's it. After that, you're gone.


Nigga be takin deep breaths so he don't do something he might regret. And it doesn't help when you be daring him to hit you. He don't even be in the mood to argue, so he tries to leave to go calm down.

If you try to contact him in any way to continue the arguement, you're getting blocked.He's not gonna do that back and forth, cause he just might haul off and punch you.


I guarantee you, this nigga is not listening. He love to argue and watch you get angrier.

However, if you disrespect his brother, you just might hit a nerve.

For the most part, he just be thinking bout how pretty you are while you yell at him.


He don't even be wanting to argue, but the disrespectful shit you say, makes him want to slap you.

He be trying to diffuse the situation by saying, "You're right" and agreeing with whatever you say, or "It's not that deep" depending on the situation.

For the most part, he don't acknowledge the disrespect, and just lets you think you're right.


He don't care. He will sit there, counting money, until you tire yourself out.

Then once you're done, he'll remember all the shit you said and hold it against you until he feels like it's enough.

Oh, you want new shoes? Remember what you said about him during your fit?

Depending on what you said, this may last months.


He semi-cares?

The most you'll get is a slap across the face. He will say some disrespectful shit back though.

At the end of the day, if you comment on his sister, you're getting beaten up and broken up with.

Even if he do end up slapping you, he won't apologize or take care of you. You shouldn't have been disrespectful.


He gon be a smart ass and contradict everything you say. His replies are deadass smart or funny. It gets to the point where you either grow tired of him, or you're laughing too hard to be rude.

The thing is, he be dead serious. However, if the disrespect does manage to make him mad, you're getting broken up with WHILE getting beaten up.


Actually doesn't care.

He won't beat or ignore you.

He'll be chill about it until you make him mad later on, then all that time he was holding back, he'll let loose and disrespect your whole existence.


You know better. You deadass know better than to disrespect this man in any way, shape, or form.

The one time you did, he damn near put you six feet under.

The only reason he wasn't able to was because he had somewhere to be, and was hoping you learned your lesson.

Cause if he knew it was gon happen again, you would be gone. Period.


If he's sober, he's just watching you throw a fit with a big dumb smile on his face.

The more you rant on, though, the more it starts to get on his nerves.

If he's on something, he'll more than likely pull out his gun and threaten to shoot you.

He won't do it, but if you say something like "Do it if you want to!"

He'll most definitely do it.


He's so aggravating, bro.

He purposely annoys you by ignoring all the shit you say, and doing something he would never do on a daily basis.

Nigga will print out kid's coloring pages and sit there coloring, while ignoring your ass with a big ass smile.

He will literally read a book while you yell at him. Once you're done, he'll be like, "What's for dinner?" or some other dumb shit that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Or he'll bring up what you were arguing about, like, if you were arguing about dirty dishes, he'll say something like, "Y'know, those dishes aren't going to wash themselves."


Omg I published something 😋😱

If I can't keep up with this book, I highly doubt I'll make an actual book.

Like, it won't be oneshots, it'll be an actual story, but now I doubt imma be able to do it 🥲

Anyways, I made this yesterday, but imma set it to post tomorrow in case my ass can't post tomorrow. So either way, ya'll get fed. 🤪

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