ep; 25

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six months later

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six months later

"Ight family! Ten seconds til midnight!" Ja announced causing people to come running from all corners of the house.

Kaari ran and grabbed the mini bottle of sparkling cider she had been babysitting all night, "I'm ready!"

Sunjai wrapped her arm around Ja's neck, nearly pulling him down as she raised her own bottle of champagne in the air. "Eight. . . Seven!"

Niya stood on the coffee table, "All couples who feel like they should be kissin' needs to leave now. Go kiss in the kitchen!"

Tee took the hand of his wife, "Three. . .Two!"

Right in front of Niya, Ja grabbed Sunjai's neck and pressed their lips together. Niya scrunched her face up as she watched her older brother tongue down his girlfriend. "Oh.. .ew." She muttered.

She then turned to get off the table and that's when she saw her parents kissing. And then Dtap and his girl of the week. "I can't." She mumbled.

Syx looked at Niya, opening his arms for a hug, "Come here lil sis. I get it."

She jumped off the table and hugged him, "Imma get it together. This not gon' be a thing next year."

Syx laughed, "I look forward to meeting whatever little boy you bring around." He patted her head.

"He gon' be sexy." Niya pulled away with a laugh, "Like August typa sexy."

Ja's head swung around when he heard that, "Can you not do that tonight?"

"What? He's not even here even though I told you to invite him and Dallas." She went and sat down, pulling her phone from her pocket.

Ja swiped his hand over his lips, getting rid of Sunjai's lip gloss, "I invited them. Dallas doesn't feel comfortable leavin' ha baby with a sitter just yet."

Niya sat up a bit, "Was the baby a boy or girl?" She asked, everyone knew the baby was born but both Dallas and August were very private, nobody had heard anything about the baby.

He pulled out his phone, "A boy. Dallas sent me a picture of him last night."

"Wait, lemme see." Sunjai tried looking over his shoulder but he didn't open his phone. "If they wanted everyone to see him they woulda posted him, it was for my eyes only."

"Well what's his name?" His younger sister then asked. "August Jr.?"

Ja furrowed his eyebrows, "Now you being fed. . .and odee. Niya, stop talkin'."

She huffed, "Fuck you, Imma just text August myself. He gave me his number when they was down here."

"No the fuck he didn't." Devonte said from across the living room.

"Ay, this the third girl you've brought here this week. Mind yo' own." Niya pointed at him as the girl glanced up from her phone, turning to look at Dtap who didn't even know what to say, she had just blown up one of his favorite roster pieces.

"Actually," Devonte pointed back at Niya, "Ja told me-."

As they argued Sunjai and Ja left the living room, holding hands, "Heat me up some wings." Sunjai told Jamel as they walked into the kitchen.

"Which ones?" He let go of her hand to go to the wing platters they had set up a few hours ago.

"Lemon pepper." She sat at the kitchen island, putting her bottle down. "And hot. And garlic parmesan." She listed as he grabbed a few of each and dropped them onto a plate. "And gimme blue cheese onna side."

Finally Ja smacked his lips, "Since when do you eat fuckin' blue cheese? We were just callin' it nasty last week. You switched up on me?"

Sunjai raised an eyebrow, "I can't try new things?"

"Nah, we blue cheese haters fa life." He heated up her food and after getting his own plate he sat down next to her.

She grabbed a wing and dipped it into the ranch he had brought over for them to share, "I can't believe I'm bringin' in the new year wit' a nigga. That's actually crazy."

Ja grabbed a carrot stick and took a bite, "You ain't been in a relationship since ol' boy?"

Sunjai shook her head, "I have but they never really lasted more than three months. New York niggas a different breed."

"So not really," He finished the carrot, "I think you scare niggas away." Ja shrugged.

"Not true," She grabbed her bottle and took a sip, "Men just don't know how to treat me."

Ja swallowed, "Is that right?"

"Yeah, you called me a bitch during our first actual conversation." She pointed out, "I honestly didn't think you would be round for this long but here we are."

"Back up," He took one of her wings even though he had a plate full of his own, "When did I call you a bitch?"

"When we was textin' and I tried making a joke and you didn't like it." She licked lemon pepper seasoning off her fingers.

Ja licked his lips, "Sounds like you deserved it." He smiled, "Bitch."

Sunjai rolled her eyes and they finished eating before making their way to the den where the music was playing from, the house had cleared out for the most part so the music had been turned down.

Kaari laid on the couch with her head in her Sunjai's lap, she had fallen asleep just a few minutes ago when Ja and Sunjai kept talking about things she didn't understand. "So you start inna few weeks?"

Sunjai nodded in response to his question, running her fingers through Kaari's braids carefully. "Officially a college student. My family would be proud." She sighed, this is one of the things Mir would had wanted her to accomplish in life.

"Shi, I'm proud." Ja spoke genuinely.

Sunjai had gotten accepted to the University of Memphis, she would be studying fashion design as a full time student.

To say he was proud was an understatement.

She smiled, "'Preciate it baby." She couldn't wipe the smile away as she continued running her fingers through Kaari's hair.

He leaned over and waited for her to look at him before he kissed her lips twice, "Let's go upstairs."

Sunjai let Ja pick Kaari up before she stood up, "I'll race you." She announced before taking off in a full sprint.

Ja scoffed, "Cheater!"

「𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 」𝘦.  𝘫𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵Where stories live. Discover now