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two weeks later

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two weeks later

Ja stood in his kitchen, humming along to 2Pac as he sliced a sandwich in half. He put one half into a baggie before taking a large bite from the other half — he bagged that half up as well before dropping it into a paper bag he bought for Sunjai.

"All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriendd.." He rapped as he took an orange from the fruit bowl and quickly cut it into fours, sprinkling Tajin on them lightly just how Sunjai loved them.

It was currently 9AM and Sunjai would be having her first day of classes, Ja was packing her a lunch so didn't have to eat campus food. After putting the fruit away and dropped a few more random snacks into the baggie he put it into her backpack.

"Alexa, off!" Ja called out before he left the kitchen. When he made his way up the stairs Sunjai was just getting out the bed. "Mornin'."

Sunjai looked over at him, smiling when she saw he was still in his bonnet and the basketball shorts he slept in last night. "You make breakfast? She asked, walking over to him.

Jamel nodded, "And packed your lunch. I want you to have a good first day." He grinned, he was happy for her that she was deciding to go back to school, he was glad she was finally doing something to make herself happy.

"Thank you," She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly until their lips met. Sunjai reached up and snatched the bonnet off his head, "Walkin' round here lookin' like my granny."

He pushed her away, "All this time and you still hatin' on my bonnet."

They both walked to the bathroom, Ja going to the shower while Sunjai stood at the sink to get ready. She was a firm believer in night showers while Ja always did both, morning and night.

"Do you have practice or sum today?" Sunjai grabbed her toothbrush and opened the drawer to find her toothpaste.

"Nah, just film. I should be back in time for dinner if you wanna go out." He got into the shower once it was warm enough, Sunjai glanced back in time to see the glass door shutting.

She grabbed her phone off the sink and texted Amoni, "Yeah, that sounds coo." She told him. "Maybe that steak place you was tellin' me about?"

"Bet." He grabbed his soap, "You need a ride to campus?"

"Nah, Amoni is comin' to get me but thanks." She spit her toothpaste out. "Imma go eat."

After leaving the bathroom Sunjai quickly got dressed, not putting much thought into what she was wearing. She grabbed a pancake from the stack that Ja made and she took a bite as she grabbed her bag, leaving the house seconds later.

Fifteen minutes later Ja found himself downstairs, looking around for Sunjai. "JJ!" He scoffed when he didn't hear anything back in response. "Bye to you too then."

£ £ £

Sunjai and Amoni sat in the parked car in front of Planned Parenthood. Sunjai refused to get out of the car now, "I probably should've just told him."

"So he could talk you out of it?" Amoni kissed her teeth, "Sunjai, go in, you're going to miss your appointment." She leaned against the seat.

"He's going to leave me if he finds out." She said instead of getting out, she shook her head, "Fuck, Amoni. He's going to break up with me." Her eyes watered quickly, she was trying to hold in the tears.

Amoni took a sip from her coffee, "Okay how 'bout I take you home and you just tell him that you're pregnant. He loves being a dad, I can't imagine he'll be upset or anything."

Sunjai shook her head, "We just talked 'bout how he didn't want another kid. Either way, he'll walk away. . . he has other options, he doesn't have to stay with me." She turned off her phone to hide her location. "And I just don't think I'm ready. What I look like havin' a baby? I got a whole ass life to live, I'm okay with being a lil part time mom to Kaari but damn, I can barely handle her sometimes. I can't even handle myself, I still have a lot of growing to do." She stressed out.

Amoni tapped her phone with her nail, showing her the time, "You have to make a decision, Jai."

She took a deep breath before opening the door, "I'll be back, bitch."

£ £ £

Later that night when Ja got home, Sunjai was laying in the bed with the blankets over her head. He stood at the door of the bedroom, unsure if she was awake or not until she spoke. "Why you just standin' there?"

Ja walked further into the room, "Thought you were sleep." He tossed his shoes aside and walked over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Nah, just tired." She pulled down the blanket to look at him. "How was yo' day?"

"Same as always, tell me bout school. Did you like it?" Ja was way more interested in her day than talking about his own.

She smiled faintly, "It's just syllabus week. It was nothin' to really do." She shrugged, "Plus that lunch was foul, why you take that big ass bite from my sandwich."

He laughed, "To taste it. It looked good as fuck when I was makin' it." He looked at her for a moment, she looked a bit off to him, "You straight?"

Sunjai hesitated slightly before nodding, "Just got cramps. They kickin' my ass real bad."

"Damn, a whole week early?" He looked at his phone just to make sure of the date. "Want me to order food and we stay in tonight?"

She pulled the blanket closer to her chin, "Yeah. Order me a po'boy. I've been wanting one all week."

Ja was quick to nod, "Word, dats gon hit the spot." He laid down next to her after pulling off his shirt. "Catfish or shrimp?"

"Shrimp." She said simply, rolling over to face him. "Ja. . ."

"Yeah?" He didn't look away from his phone, he was too busy ordering their sandwiches.

She stared at him for what felt like forever before speaking, "Y'know I love yo' ass, right?"

Ja looked at her, a smile crossing his lips before he kissed her cheek quickly, "I love you more, shawty."


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