As the bright light of Sun was entering into my room, I blinked my eyes a few times and tried to adjust to the light. I looked at the clock it was 8 Am. I stretched my body, yawning and rubbing my eyes. It was Sunday a day I was in need of so badly after everything that happened the whole week. I quickly headed to the washroom and after taking a warm shower bath I decided to make some pancakes for breakfast. After having my breakfast I decided to head out for shopping, it really helped me as a therapy but I couldn't afford it every time. However now that I have a job a little bit of expenditure won't hamper my budget much.
So I got ready and was about to go out when my phone started ringing. It was Lisa my new bestfriend. I smiled as the caller I'd flashed on my phone.
“Good morning bestieee, what are you doing today?” Lisa asked with the most beautiful and cheerful voice.
“Good morning. I was actually going out for some shopping.” Emma replied.
“Can I join you too?”
Even though Emma was not expecting an acquaintance but she would surely like to have someone giving her company.
“Yes sure. I am coming to your house, then we can head there together.” Saying this Emma hanged up the call and booked a cab.
After almost 30 minutes, Emma was now standing infront of Kim Mansion. She was backfaced towards the gate when she felt someone's presence behind her. She thought it was Lisa.
“Oh, you are here I was waiting for you so long let's go.” Saying this Emma turned towards the person standing behind her. However when their eyes met she got flustered.
It was Jungkook standing there. He had confused expression on his face, his hair messy, eyes were puffy. He was looking like he drunk a lot last night. However he still was giving off his charming aura.
Emma gulped seeing that unexpected person. She blinked a few times innocently. Her heartbeat was fast unknowingly she could feel herself getting red as if she was getting fever. However before she could speak anything Lisa was there.
“Jungkook oppa?! You should go to your home and get freshen up. Can you drive the car or should I call for a cab” Lisa said looking towards Jungkook who was still staring at Emma. She had her face hung low.
Jungkook then looked at Lisa and said, “No it's okay.” Saying this he went from there.
Lisa looked at Emma and understanding her confusion she spoke.
“Actually Jungkook oppa doesn't have parents. However Jeon company and Kim company had been business partners for years. So my father was his father's bestfriend. After his parents' death he was almost adopted by my parents. That's why even today whenever he's sad or is not feeling good, he comes here to stay with Tae oppa. They are like real brothers sometimes. I don't know what happened yesterday but he came back again after dropping you and he and my oppa were drinking alcohol till very late at night. So he stayed here.” Lisa said clearing all of Emma's confusions.
However somewhere or the other Emma felt bad for Jungkook. He was as lonely as she was. That is also a reason why he's always so cold in office. Emma was now understanding Jungkook way more than before. However Lisa didn't say anything about Jungkook's step brother.
After this they went to the mall for shopping. However all the time Emma's thoughts were wandering and she couldn't really concentrate on one thing. She felt restless. That's when she decided she should try discussing the matter with Lisa.
They were now sitting at a cafe. Lisa was looking at her phone when Emma decided to speak about her problem."Lisa?"
"Huh? What happened what do you want to say Emma?"
Emma was a bit confused that whether she should talk about it or not she was really feeling shy but she really needed a mentor for this. It's not like that she doesn't knows about feelings and love She has dated before but what Richard did is now giving her problems to trust someone else. Yes she was having problem in trusting someone new interesting Jungkook. She knows that Jungkook is a very genuine person and she believes in him. Also she was a bit confused about her feelings because she felt really comfortable with him but she also felt like it was because she had been lonely for a long time. So she decided that maybe Lisa could help in this after all Lisa had known for a long time and maybe she can really tell more about him so that Emma can understand more about Jungkook.
“Actually Lisa I want to ask that where you in love before? or do you love someone now? like are you dating or something?”
“Haha why are you suddenly asking something like this I won't see that I was in love before but I did have a crush on someone since like my university days but he was younger than me so I never confessed my feelings to him I really wish that I can meet him someday and maybe confess my feelings it's it's something from a long time back so I don't know how to say but maybe that was love too after all I cried for him for days and nights but you know not every time you get someone you love. But I am asking that why do you want to know do you love somebody?”
"Well I won't say that I love somebody actually I was broken a few days back like my boyfriend cheated on me so it's really hard to trust someone new however there's this guy who makes my heart flutter makes me feel butterflies in my stomach and I really feel comfortable with him. Moreover whenever I see him my heart beats go fast and I genuinely care for him I feel bad when he feels bad and he does it too. So recently I came to know that this guy loves me too however I don't know if this is love or I'm just being someone who cares for him or someone like a welvisher I don't know this feelings. However one thing I know is that this is special feeling with him even though we met decent key but it feels like I have known him for ages and now it's hard to stop thinking about him. Also the thing is coming in my mind that will I ever be able to trust someone else like what my ex did I don't want to feel the pain again I don't want to cry again I don't want to feel hopeless pathetic again So what should I do I don't know. I never had any friends since childhood due to some reasons and now that you are my friend I think I really wanted to confess the things to someone I really wanted someone to know about all these things now that I have said this feelings to you I feel really light however I still want to know what to do in satiration. So do you have any idea that what should I do?”
Emma said all the things in one breath and a tear left her eyes as now she felt relieved after speaking her feelings. She really needed a friend someone to listen to her not just advice her. Yes her brother sometimes would be that listener but as everyone sees no one understands a girl better than a girl herself so she really needed a female person to help her through this. Lisa listen to everything and she's some what understands her feelings though Lisa cannot relate to her feelings because this never happened to her but she felt that it's really hard to trust someone after a bad heart break. She thought for a while and then cleared her throat to speak again.
“ It's okay girl I understand you and don't you worry I am always there for you whenever you need me through your thick and thin. So let me guess the guy you are talking about is that Jungkook by any chance please tell me yes. Did he somehow propose you last night is that why he came back home sad?”
Emma knew that she cannot lie to Lisa, so she nodded her head in yes and Lisa left out a squeal in excitement. Yes she was really excited for her best friend and also for Jungkook who was like a brother to her.
“Emma you are such a kid dude You will never get a guy like him. I'm not telling this things to you just because he's like my brother or he's my brother's best friend or something like that but I have known Jungkook since childhood and I know him very well I know that he can be sometimes rude and tough but believe me his heart is as soft as he is tough outside. He is just like a coconut something which is hard from outside but tender from inside. Emma you should really think about your feelings honestly the feelings you are talking about that's love. I know it's hard to understand and accept because of your last heart break but believe me girl you are never going to get this chance ever again so go for it what are you waiting for?”
Emma blushed to Lisa's word as she said that it was love. Yeah Emma knew it, it was surely love because how can she feel so safe comfortable and complete if it was not love? Then she said that
“Okay then I will confess to him tomorrow itself I think if you are saying, he would be a nice guy. Also just because the previous one was a jerk doesn't mean everyone will be bad right? I think Jungkook surely deserves a chance after all he was so kind to me since the very beginning”
and that's when she also remembered the night yeah she couldn't say about that night to Lisa but she also thought that Jungkook was really kind and never really blackmailed or threatened her because of that one night stand. That means Jungkook was a really nice guy he respects Emma a lot and obviously he loves her.After discussing a little bit more both of the best friends parted ways and Emma now went back to her home thinking about how she should confess her feelings the next day to Jungkook.

The Thirsty Love|| Jungkook FF ✅
Фанфик[Completed ✨✅] One night stand with an unknown man she met in the bar because she was just drunk. What can go wrong? Or maybe her whole life can change as her fate gets entwined to someone who has some dark secrets. What will happen when they will...