Chapter 23

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This chapter is NOT suitable for children. Like the entire chapter.

Tom's pov:

This can't be happening again. We just got rid of it. I watched as Max ripped her shirt opened. Siva had to keep me back from stepping in. Nathan and Jay then entered.

"Max, you promised that you wouldn't hurt her." I told him. Max looked at us.

"Tom, I can see that you just aren't getting it. I am technically Max, but not him. He is not in at the moment. You would remember me better as Dillon. Yeah, that's right, boy. How is that scar been treating you?" He said. No, not him. Out of all the people that Nyx and I know, it just had to be him. He was the one who liked to torture her.

"Leave her alone." Siva said. Jay started to walk forward. Siva and I pulled him back. Siva told him that he was being possessed.

"Not until she knows what she is." He then began to dig the knife into her skin. He was going to scar her, again. I heard her screams. This isn't happening, this has to be a dream.

"Oh, calm down little whore. Just be still and then I can fuck you." He said. Siva then walked towards him. I grabbed him and pulled him back before 'Max' could stab him.

"You tow should back away before something terrible happens." He warned us. He then went back to carving into Nyx. I saw that he was spelling something out. I couldn't see what it was.

"There, all done. Now, Let's get to my favorite part." There was so much blood. We saw 'Max' start to pull Nyx's pants off of her. She was whimpering and trying to get away.

"Please, please, please don't hurt me." She said repeatedly. Siva then stepped in. Max let go of Nyx long enough to punch Siva. Siva stumbled back. Max took Nyx to the other side of the table so that he could watch us. He pulled her pants off of her and then we heard his zipper. Then something happened.

"Nyx, please run. Now. I can't hold him back for long." Max said as he let go of her. She turned around and touched his forehead. Then there was a light that went through out the entire room. Once the light went out, we saw Max and Nyx on the floor. Siva ran over to them.

"Get me a blanket for Nyx." He told us. Jay went and grabbed one from the living room. He tossed it at Siva. Siva wrapped her in it and carried her to the small couch. Jay and I carried Max to the larger one. We waited until one of them would open their eyes. Siva held Nyx.

Max was the first to wake up. He looked around the room and saw that we were all staring at him. He sat up and rubbed his head.

"Please tell me that it was a dream." He said. He then looked over at Siva and Nyx.

"Oh my God." He gasped. I saw that he was back with us. He walked over to her and kneeled by her.

"Mate, what happened? Like what do you remember?" Nathan asked him.

"I remember coming home and sitting on the couch. Then I went in a grabbed a beer. That was when I couldn't control any of my movements. I saw Nyx come over to me and ask what I was watching. I tried to yell at her to run away. She wouldn't. Then I am sure that you boys saw the rest." he said. Then Nyx started to stir.

"Is Max okay?" She said before she even opened her eyes. We all chuckled.

"Yes, I am okay. What about you?" Max asked her. She opened her eyes and looked up at Siva then at Max.

"I will be okay. Right now, I just want to know what is on my back and clean it. Actually, I want a pb&j first." She said. I saw Nathan get up and go to the kitchen.

"I am so sorry about what happened. I would understand if you could never trust me again." Max said to her.

"Max, I knew that it wasn't you. And I would never ever hate you." She told him. She then sat up. Nathan walked in with the sandwich. She smiled at him.

"Nathan, you didn't have to." She told him.

"Yes, I did. Eat that so that we can check your back." He told her. She basically devoured it. It reminded me of her when we were in that shit hole.

"Siva, did you just wrap me up in the blanket?" She said when she finished.

"Yes, why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"You didn't bother to pull my pants up. Jeez, and I thought that you were a gentleman." She joked with him. She dropped the blanket and pulled them up. Luckily she was wearing underwear. I looked away, to be polite and so did the other guys.

"Oh, no wonder why most of you don't have girlfriends! You can't even look at a girl in underwear!" Nyx joked. We all laughed. She kept the blanket around her top half. She walked to the bathroom.

"Please, don't take this the wrong way, but I want to do this myself." She said as she entered the bathroom.

"You need help. Pick one of us to help you." I told her. I knew that it was either going to be me or Nathan. I just didn't know who she would pick.

Let me help. (A Siva Kaneswaran story)Where stories live. Discover now