chapter 12

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Nyx's pov:

"Is there anyway that you can prove this? No offense, but it is hard to take some one's word on something like this." Nathan finally said. I then looked around the room. I was looking for the house spirit. Why does it show up at the worst times, but not when I need it? Then she appeared. But she appreared in the middle of the coffe table. So I had to look up in order to make eye contact.

"You look distressed. What is wrong?" she asked. I knew that house spirits can't show themselves to the guys, because they don't take energy. They give out energy.

"I need help. I need someone that these guys would know." I say out loud. The guys all look at me. I smile awkwardly at them.

"Ask then who they want to see, and I will let that person inside. You will have to tell them the rest." She told me. I started to panic. I am not sure why, but I did. 

"Okay, who do you want to see? I can only do one person, because they have to take energy from me. I have only done this one other time before, and I was really hungry afterwards. So I will go and make a sandwich after." I tell them. Max tilts his head back, Jay closes his eyes, Tom moved his feet around, Siva smiled, and Nathan fixed his hat.

"Come on! There has to be someone that would prove it to you guys!" I yell at them. I then grabbed my mouth. I was just getting anxious, that's why I yelled.

"Um, my dad. That would be nice." Siva finally said. All the guys looked at him. I saw that Siva was a little sad.

"Well, you heard that! go get him!" I tell the house spirit. I then just stood there awkwardly. I started to look around the room. I knew that the guys were staring at me, but I was slightly embarrassed at the moment.

"She will be back in a moment." I tell them. They all looked confused.

"She? Who is this she?" Tom asked. Then Jay looked around the room.

"Oh, it's just a house spirit. She makes the house feel 'housey'." I tell them. Then she appeared with a man. I assumed it to be his dad. He looked over at Siva and smiled.

"Hey, I am going to let you take energy from me, but let me ask them a question first." I told him. He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Okay, he is here. Is there anything that you guys want to say? You should probably introduce yoursleves too. Because I think that he only knows Siva." I told them. I could tell that Max and Jay didn't believe me.

"Um, I am Nathan, and I just wanted to say, that your son is a great friend." Nathan said. I looked over at Mr. Kaneswaran and saw that he was smiling.

"I am Tom! Did you think that your son here would be in a band?" Tom took this with a light heart. I sort of appreciated that.

"I am Jay. I wish that I could have met you when you were alive. No offense. Oh, gosh, I think that I may have just offened a dead person. Agh!" I nearly laughed at Jay.

"Tell him that I get what he was saying." Mr. Kanswaran said. I looked over at Jay.

"He get what you are saying, Jay. He says, thanks." I tell him. Jay smiles.

"Max here." That's all that Max said. That kind of disappointed me. I thought that Max would have something to say.

"Dad, thanks for looking out for me all these years." Siva said. His words touched me. I almost cried. Then I looked at Mr. Kaneswaran. I nodded at him and he began to take my energy. I looked at the boys as he took my energy.

"Hello, Siva, boys. I am very proud of you and I would have never thought that you would be a musician. By the way, you boys need to keep Nyx in your life. She is a keeper. She is letting me use her energy so that you can see me. Keep her safe, there will be danger coming her way. I must leave now, or she will faint. Siva, you make me proud everyday." He was right, any longer and I would have fainted. He disappeared from their view. I moved over to the couch and I sat down between Nathan and Siva.

"Thank you so much. I will be on my way. You should probably get some food in your stomach. Good bye." Just like that he was gone.

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