champagne and white cloths

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I step into the limousine that my parents insisted on me taking and my white red bottoms. I mentally prepare myself for the night.

I have about an hour drive. I won't get home till late at night. My mother has a reputation for throwing parties. Gatsby parties.

When I was in high school I threw some killer parties. My mother didn't care because she's the one who taught me how to throw parties.

I tuck myself into the limo and help myself to the champagne.

I used to love going to parties. People are growing up now. I'm nineteen years old, and it seems like that world wants me to act like i'm sixty. I just want a little bit of everything. Respect, love, life, and people.

The limo driver doesn't speak. He seems sad. Maybe it's the champagne, but I feel the need to talk to him.

"How are you today sir?" I ask holding the flute of bubbling joy.

He looks at me in the rearview but doesn't say anything. He's an older man. Maybe 60's. His hair is thin and gray, he has eye crinkles like he's spent his life smiling.

"Oh come on, i'm in this big limo alone! You could talk to me." I say while laughing.

He gives me a smile in the mirror, "Miss, we aren't supposed to talk to you. You could play music though." He says with a slight chuckle.

"Very well I guess, that's a bummer because you seemed like you could tell a hell of a story." I say jokingly raising my flute of champagne in his honor.

I connect to the bluetooth and play my playlist.

Lizzy McAlpines cover of "A Little Bit Of Everything." begins. I really like this song. It's bittersweet. I sing along and have another drink.

"Sir you might want to cover your ears for this next one." I warn as Nicki Minaj's "Only" is queued up.

I being tipsy wink at him while it begins to play.

I roll down my window and shout it.

Now, this is what i'm supposed to do as a nineteen year old. I shouldn't have nominations, I shouldn't have paparazzi living in tents outside of my apartment, I should be partying and drinking.

After "Only" plays "hoax" by Taylor Swift plays.

I feel my eyes become heavy. The champagne is hitting me. I only had like four glasses. It's impossible to get drunk off champagne. Before I know it i'm sleeping.

"Townes!" Mr. Limo driver yells. I jump from my sleep.

"We're here." He says and gestures his hands to my parents gate.

"Right... uh" I collect my things and pull out a hundred. "here, you were excellent. What's your name sir?" I say placing the hundred in his hand.

"Thank you miss, that's very generous, my name is Tom." He says tipping his hat.

"You have a lovely night Tom." I say while placing a hand on him shoulder and climbing out of the limo.

I step out and am immediately greeted by my mother's assistant.

"Townes, your a bit late." She says looking at her watch.

"What time is it?" I ask fixing my hair and reapplying my red lip.

"It's about 6:45." She says while typing on her phone. She glances up at me, and I don't know... a certain emotion flashes across her face. It's pity.

"Ok, we'll let's not be more late." I say as I try to walk through the gate. She grabs my arm

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