marilyn vice

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I woke up that morning to my bestfriend jumping on me. I'd left the door unlocked last night so she could come up but I was still scared when I woke up to a person.

"My wife!" She yelled and jumped. She
kicked off her shoes and snuggled her way under my silk sheets.

I gripped her waste and we laid there.

"Oh Marilyn, we could just stay here forever." I said with my eyes closed.

"Tell me about the boy." She whispered.

I opened my eyes and sighed. Oh right, I lost my boyfriend last night.

"He's gone. I drove him off." I said adjusting my position.

She let out a breath and hugged me.

"Let's take a nap." She said grabbing the covers and moving them up so we were tucked in.

"Hmm." I hummed tiredly.

We slept for another hour before we wanted to get up. She showered and changed and I did my makeup and got dressed.

It was fall, so It was chilly enough for jeans and a long sleeve. I put my hair in a braid and did some warm makeup.

We were gonna go get some coffee and go shopping. Later tonight we would meet up with some friends too.

"Did you get the invite? To the wedding?" She said in the shower as I applied blush.

I dropped the brush at the mention of it.

"Yeah. I did." My voice cracked a little, but she didn't notice.

"Are you gonna go?" She asked again.

I snapped the lid to my blush close and turned my body to the shower.

"Do you think I should? Is it weird?" I asked curiously. She's really the only one I can talk to about this.

She poked her head out of the shower and smiled.

"If you don't go i'm not." She promised with a mischievous grin.

"You can go, it's not like you dated him."I said pulling out pieces of my braid in the front.

"Yeah I love Rhodes, but he's marrying a real bitch." She said and broke into a fit of laughter.

I gasped and I knew we were about to talk shit.

"What do you mean? I didn't really notice anything when I met her." I said closing the toilet lit and sitting myself down on it.

She rubbed shampoo in her hair and nodded.

"I went out with her once cause Rhodes asked me to be 'welcoming' to her. She was so full of herself and she basically just shit talked you the whole time."

"No she did not!" I gasped and yelled.

"Yes I swear to fucking god she did!" She said with a laugh.

That made me feel a little better about myself. Rhodes is marrying a bitch.

"What'd you say?" I asked intrigued now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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