do you remember?

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              MINE (TAYLOR'S VERSION)


We all remember our first loves. Our first loves made us who we are. They taught us how to fall into love and how people fall out of love.

I first fell in love on the beach.

My parents own this beautiful beach house. A couple years ago, my sophomore year of high school. Marilyn and I had a bonfire-end of the year shabang. Our house was on a lot of private property, and my parents weren't in town, so it was only us and about seven other people. There was this boy who sat next to me in a lawn chair with a red cup in his hand picked up a metal stick. This boy, who i'd spoken to about twice, offered to make me a s'more. Of course I took him up on it, I was a little tipsy and he had a pretty grin.

"What's your name?" I asked, I knew his name. I just didn't want him knowing that I knew his name.

"Rhodes." He said as he pulled a marshmallow out of the plastic bag and placed the mallow on a metal stick and over the fire.

"That's a nice name." I said. The alcohol was really starting to kick in.

He laughed and a piece of his hair fell into his face. "Why thank you, what's your name?." He shot back as the marshmallow caught fire, he quickly blew it out with his breath.

"Come on, you know my name." I said while I dug my feet into the sand.

He genuinely looked a little confused. Like he didn't know this was my house, and we don't go to the same school.

I knew what he was doing. So I played his game.

"Townes." I said as I played with a piece of my hair.

"Well Townes, this is a beautiful house you've got here." He said as he placed a perfectly made s'more into my hand.

I watched as he got up and took his shirt off and emptied his pockets and ran- majestically- into the ocean. The sun was setting so it was an even prettier set.

I ate my s'more, and watched his as he floated in the ocean and jumped into the waves.

I felt the sudden urge to run right after him. So I did.

I stripped of my denim shorts and my white off the shoulder cover up, into a dark purple bikini.

As I walked into the cold ocean, I felt a little freer. I felt like I could dance on the table and get drunk and not have a care in the world.

"Finally." I hear a voice in front of me. I look up and see this boy who i've just officially met smiling at me.

"You knew my name." I swore with a smile.

"Of course I knew your name this is your fucking house." He said as the water calmed.

He seemed so care free. Like he gets drunk and dances on tables everyday. He seemed like such a bright person. Like his smile lights up the town.

"Hey Rhodes," I say with some question,

"What's up." He said while reaching to the sandy bottom of the ocean and pulling up a seashell.

"Let's be friends." I said as he looked up from his white seashell with a smile.

"We aren't gonna be friends." He said as he placed the seashell into my hands.

I tilted my head a little and thought about the idea of us being more than friends. I mean, i've had boyfriends, but the idea of us seems like such a great idea, I smiled.

"Okay, well I guess we're not gonna be friends." I said with a shrug and a head tilt.

He grabbed my hand and trudged out of the water with me right behind him.

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