in my hair

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"Get out!" I scream at him as he stands in my doorway.

He throws his hands up in frustration. The anger in his eyes flares up. He looks more enrage than me. Why the hell is he enraged? Because I found out?

"Townes it was one time, I was drunk and she was throwing herself on me."

"Liar! Liar, Liar! You're an insecure little bitch baby!" I scream so loud I could crack a glass. I'm throwing things at him.

He dodged all the objects i've thrown and puts his head in his hands. He looks scared. He's scared of me.

"You think you're so special! You're fucking evil! I gave everything you have to you! You wouldn't be anywhere without me, we aren't equals! I'm better than anyone out there and you chose to fuck another girl? You're nothing." I say through sobs.

I fall to the floor in defeat. I'm sitting on the old cold wood floor and cry. I'm sobbing with anger. I just want to run him over with a car. I want to see him hurt.

"I hate you." I cry at him.

He sighs and walks over to me. He crouches down and wraps his arms around me, I don't fight it. Because I truly believed that that would be the last night I would ever see him again.

I just sat there numbed. I couldn't even speak. He was rubbing my back and holding me, trying to make me forget everything.

"Please go." I whisper. I couldn't say anything else.

"No." He lifted me up and laid me in my bed. He threw a blanket over me and turned the lamp off. I felt him get into the bed with me. We sat there in silence. I really thought about taking a steak knife and stabbing him. But I loved him.

The next morning I didn't look at him. I couldn't look at him for a month after that. We never spoke about it again. We just played dumb and buried the hatchet.


"Good morning." Kace says setting down a iced chai latte on my kitchen counter.

It's been a month since we met.

We go on dates every Monday and Friday. We decided on this because we truly just enjoy each others company.

There was a video of us dancing to Die Young, at the charity thing, it went viral. Like front page news viral. People have insert their opinions everywhere. I haven't introduced him to anyone. Marilyn desperately wants to meet him, my mom calls me every other day to try and invite us to dinner. I just don't want to share him yet.

"Do you want to go on a trip?" He blurts out. He looks nervous to ask. Like i'll reject him or something.

"Like get out of town or something." He rambles sitting next to me on my couch.

I look at him and his eyes trace my face. Like he's trying to memorize it.

I smile, which causes him to smile.

"Yeah, let's get the hell out."

He nods and leans in before kissing me. I really like it when he kisses me, it's sweet and minty.

He holds my jawline with his thumb and strokes my hair with his other hand. I deepen the kiss when I get up and straddle him on the couch. We're full on making out. He has both his hands on his waist and my hands are in his hair. His tongue slips into my mouth, he runs his hands up my hips to my back, and up into my hair.

I drop my hands down to the bottom of his shirt and lift it. He breaks the kiss, lifting his arms up so I can undress him. I'm too focused on getting him naked that when I look up he's full on smiling and staring at me.

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