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I stayed a couple of days at my parents. My mom and I went shopping, my dad and Marilyn played poker, we did everything we used to.

I really did like it. It felt like years hadn't past and I was just there. I just existed. All the rose colored glasses were there, the flowers were still vibrant and pretty, everything was so still. It felt amazing.

I decided to go out into the city. I walked to the subway station and got on the one to Manhattan.

There is this really good restaurant and i've been thinking about it for a week. The train was quick. I just put in my airpods.

"Killer" By Phoebe Bridgers came on. It made me sad. I was not about to go into Manhattan sad. It's never a good mix.

I changed it to "Holy Ground"

It's my favorite.

It only took a half hour to get there. I stepped off the train and smiled. I don't know, this is my city. There's so many people, so many incredible people. Nobody is competing, no one is complaining, no one gives one fuck about life. People get to restart here.

I walked about five blocks to the restaurant and was pleasantly surprised by no paparazzi. It's not everyday I get to walk freely.

I was seated in a booth in the corner and stared at in the restaurant, I didn't care. People don't care for longer than five minutes about me usually.

"I'll have a Shirley Temple and the chicken alfredo please." I said and I folded up my menu and handed it to my waiter. It was an older woman and I can tell she had no idea who I was. I always enjoy it.

About ten minutes into my sitting in silence I felt someone looking at me. I could feel it.

I look to my right to see a blonde boy smiling at me. He was sitting alone. He was sitting there probably ten feet away from me with a stupid smirk on his face.

I was intrigued. I fully turned my body and looked at him with a questionable look.

He just smiled wider.

I signaled for him to come over to my booth. He looked harmless.

He took a sip of his water, set it down, and walked over.

He slid into my booth ever so casually.

I looked at him for a moment and couldn't help but smile. This is a stranger. I've just spotted him 20 seconds ago and I feel like i've known him forever.

He had green eyes and dirty blonde kinda short- kinda long hair. He had two dimples and eye crinkles, he was tall maybe 6'3 or something. He was wearing a blue button up long sleeve tucked into white pants. That's all the information i'd gathered in 20 seconds.

"Hi." He said as he situated himself into the booth.

"Hi." I said while laughing a little.

"I was just wondering why you're eating alone?" He said as he gestured to the table between us with a bright smile.

I looked around and noticed that everyone in here was eating with someone or multiple people.

I tilted my head to the side and raised both eyebrows.

"Well why are you eating alone?" I asked as he shook his head.

He shrugged and looked around too.

"I like the silence." He said as he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair.

I laughed and nodded.

"Me too, but you're welcome to join me in eating pasta." I joked as I picked up my Shirley Temple and took a sip.

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