hometown skeptics called it

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these songs, they're all written by actual artists.

We stayed in London for a week. I showed him all of the places I visited and liked, he was wonderful.

We spent a lot of our time just laying in bed too.
He was fascinated by London. I don't think I could ever go back without him honestly.

London is kinda lonely without someone.

Since he was a photographer, he liked taking photos of me, he took one that- just reminds me of my past. My head was hanging out a cab window, and I was laughing. I looked so unbelievably stupid and happy, it just made me smile.

He took lots of pictures of me. Even when I didn't know, he was always there taking a photo. I liked it. I liked the attention.

We would shop, we sight saw, we met up with my old friends, and we had lots of slutty hot sex.

I wanted him to see my home away from home. This place was my home when my actual home didn't want me, and for that i'll always be more grateful.

When we got back from London, I fell back into routine with everything. Kace had to get back to work. He was flying to Milan for a fashion show. Marilyn was going too.

They both asked me to come, but I wanted to settle back into my life.

So, on the third day of loneliness, I called Sawyer and said five words.

"I'm bored, come get me."

That's all I had to say. He drove from the city into Greenwich with a smile on his face. By the time he got to my place it was about nine at night.

We were gonna party.

I was wearing a little black dress and some lipgloss.

Sawyer and I were always the party people. Marilyn and Rhodes calmed down after we graduated and I left. Sawyer never did.

We would bump into eachother at party's, until we just became friends again one day. It was a very childish matter.

I stepped into his Porshe and he seemed a little on edge, maybe even a little tipsy.

"Sawyer." I said sternly.

"What." He said while gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.

"What in the hell is wrong with you." I said as I turned the AC down.

It was cold in this damn leather coated car.

He didn't say anything. He just watched the road and glanced in the mirrors.

I cleared my throat and he sighed in defeat.

"Rhodes is gonna be at this party." He said a little too casually for my liking.

It went silent. He wouldn't look at me.

"What, why is he in New York? He lives three thousand miles away. He lives all the way in LA." I said with a uneasy tone. I tried to cover it up with confidence, but I was cracking.

Sawyer shrugged

"He's in New York, some photo shoot or event- I don't fucking know but he's here." He said as he turned the AC back up.

I fidgeted with my nails. I messed with my dress. I played with the straps of my heels. I was a panicked mess.

"When can I meet this mystery guy?" Sawyer said to fill the air.

I scoffed.

"You can googled him he's not much of a mystery." I said with a laugh.

"Oh? You've googled your boyfriend?" He asked as we stopped at a red light.

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