lock all the windows and doors

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She was like a sunrise on a rainy morning.
The way she smiles, it was refreshing. Every words she says I find myself agreeing with, how could I not? I couldn't say no to her. For anything. I've known since I was 16 and i'm still so madly in love with her. I'd drop my entire world for the opportunity to lay in a field with her forever.

I like Townes, but if she asked me to come back to her, I'd leave Townes in an instant. It's not something I like to admit, but I know she doesn't love me like her other and I think everyone knows they'll find each other back together.

I feel like i've broken her shell. Her barrier. In the restaurant I met her in, she was in her own world, it's a beautiful world that I found myself following her into. But, in the restaurant in July, she was so hollow. Like she was there but she wasn't. I feel like maybe- I could possibly be responsible for helping her become not so hollow. I wish I wasn't. I'd just have to break her heart.

That thought made me want to puke. She's a wonderful girl.

"What?" Townes asked as she snapped me out of my stare.

We were laying on the couch. Her head was laying on my chest and I was holding her. She was watching some show about a killer.

"Nothing." I said before I kissed her forehead.

She was just a dream girl. Her dark eyes in the light reminded me of the coffee that she drank 24/7.

She just radiated vibrancy.

She also is a really hot blonde. She's hot either way, blonde of brunette. She can pull both off perfectly.

She has some sort of aura over her. Like I wanted her to turn into dust and surround me all the time.

But I didn't want her to consume my mind. I wanted to keep her around, but she's not the love of my life and i'm not hers. We're simply people that both need each other for the time being.


Kace was in Milan for some photo shoot, so I was alone in the apartment again. I kinda liked it. I spent so long being alone in London that I guess I got used to it.

I was going through my mail, rifling through what seemed like hundreds of envelopes and bill, when I felt cardstock.

A wedding invitation.

To Rhodes wedding.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled.

A fucking wedding invitation? Are you kidding me? The whole wedding things was some fucked up shit.

I reject marrying you, so you go get a girl and marry her.


I stare at the two boxes.




I sit down on my barstool and think.

I watch the invitation and I pick at the corners of the cardstock with a frown.

Do I want to see this? Is it gonna feel like a stab in the back.

Am I gonna be offended when my friends and family are sitting in the crowd smiling at him and my replacement.

I shouldn't care. I know I don't have any right to actually care. Yet, I always seem to care.

The invitations are all pink and pearly. It made me laugh a little on the inside.

Rhodes hates pink. He always thought it was the epitome of softness. He used to call out pink as reverse feminism and critique feminism because they're taking "softness" and connecting it to feminism.

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