sunshine and floor tiles

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After we soaked Mare with the hose, we both went upstairs to change.

When I left to go to Greenwich, I left behind most of my wardrobe. I walk into my personal bathroom to find it fully stocked.

It kinda broke my heart in a way. They were waiting for me to come back home.

"Hey i'm gonna go use the guest room shower give me the shampoo." Mare says while walking past me.

I crouch down and open the under the sink cabinet to find about ten other bottles.

"Perfect." Mare says as she takes a shampoo and conditioner.

I pull out two bottles myself, and get undressed. I slide into the shower. There's no music, it's just the water and my childhood bathroom.

Mare had a pregnancy scare in this bathroom, I had two. My scares were always easier though, because Rhodes was always holding me when I flipped the test. He was always there.

After I finish up I find two silk pajama sets, the fancy kind for special occasions, but there are a shit ton of famous people in my house right now.

I put on the white-cream one, and leave the lavender one out for Marilyn.

I go back into the bathroom to wash all of my makeup off. I curl my lashes for the hell of it.

I look like a rat without curled lashes. People can't see me like that.

When I walk back into my bedroom, Marilyn is putting on a pair of my fuzzy socks, she tosses me pink ones.

"Let's go eat, i'm hungry." She says as she grabs her phone.

I follow her out of the door, we look like children. Damp hair, pajama set, fuzzy socks. We've done this a million times before, yet, I feel like we're completely different people.

We walk downstairs to the main attraction. My mom has a bunch of tables with white cloths set up for dinner. It's a "you're not getting served, just go get it" thing, my favorite. I pick up a plate, and fill it with steak, and mac and cheese- like a child, I also get some cheesy broccoli.

Mare fills her plate with her food and we grab some champagne. We go over and sit with my parents at their table. Someone who I haven't seen in a long time is sitting there.

Connie Beck. Rhodes mother. Here we go.

As I set my plate down, she notices me and a look of displeasure is displayed. She used to love me. She used to come shopping with my mother and I on Sundays.

I guess rejecting her sons marriage proposal didn't sit well with her.

"Actually Townes, those two seats are saved." She says pointing to the seats with our plates in front of them.

Just as I'm about to question, Rhodes and Melody walk up and stand behind his mom.

"Oh, yeah of course, sorry." I say picking up my plate, while Mare picks up hers.

"Have a lovely night Mrs. Beck, you look really pretty." I say while my dad gives me an apologetic look.

Mare and I rush out of there and end up grabbing a bottle of champagne instead of two small glasses.

"Ah, the two beauties." A photographer says while snapping photos of us.

We smile and pose with our plates and pajamas.

"Give us a little bit of everything." He says while people are laughing and watching this all happen. I make eye contact with my mom. She gives me a small nod and smile.

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