Chapter 5

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A/N: Thank you everyone for adding this story to your reading lists! I really appreciate it! This past week was hard on me which is why I didn't update for a week. This chapter is a bit shorter than the others. I hope all of you enjoy it!


The sun spread its rays out, greeting the world before it. The light shone down on all who slept beneath it, stirring the slumber each guest had. Eyes slowly opened and took in the scenery. Peach was the first to awaken. She got up and stretched her limbs. Soon, her companions joined her.

"Good morning," Peach spoke in a sleepy voice.

"Morning," the brothers and mushroom man replied.

"Did all of you sleep well?" the princess asked.

"As well as I could," Luigi answered.

"It was alright," Mario said.

"I slept well," Toad replied.

"I slept well too," Peach answered. "We best get breakfast together and get a move on. We aren't too far from the Yoshi Kingdom now, but we still have a long road ahead of us."

"I got you covered!" Toad exclaimed as he whipped out his skillet and various items of food.

"Great!" Peach said. She did enjoy Toad's cooking a lot and she looked forward to what he would prepare for them.


Y/N sighed as she sat in the cage eating her food. It really was not the most pleasant being held up in a cage. Not that the cage was too small, but it was exhausting. She wanted space to walk around in, a nice bed to sleep in, and a wardrobe of different clothes. She'd been stuck in the same outfit for about two days now. She wondered how people at home were reacting to her absence. She was sure she was going to be fired from her job at this point. She mentally groaned at the thought of losing her job.

She didn't have her cellphone with her either. She felt stupid not bringing it with her. Then again, service probably wouldn't work out here either. She finished her breakfast and curled her legs into herself, knees propped up. She rested her arms across her knees, setting her chin down on top of her wrists.

'It's fun writing a song, but...what is the point in writing this song? He knows Peach doesn't like him and this song probably won't make a difference to her. No matter how much heart and soul you put into it, it seems pointless in the end...' Y/N couldn't help having these thoughts swarm through her mind. She'd been hurt before and as much as she wasn't enjoying Bowser's presence for the most part, she didn't want to see him hurt. She felt that everyone deserved to find love with a special someone where the feelings are reciprocated amongst the two people involved in said relationship.

Just as she was going to continue pondering more, the doors of the throne room opened and in walked Bowser with Kamek.

"Songwriter! Ready to start the day?" Bowser asked as he stared up at Y/N.

"Sure," Y/N replied softly.

Kamek worked his magic at getting Y/N out of the cage and transporting all of them to the music room. He immediately left the king and human alone in the music room. Bowser and Y/N made their way to the piano bench and sat down.

"I was thinking that we could start off the song with, 'Peaches, I have a song just for you. Please lend me your ear to hear these words.'" Bowser said.

Y/N was slightly dazed out, "Oh! Uh, sure...that works."

The Koopa King could read Y/N's appearance, "You're not focused. I need you to stay with me on this. I want to get this song out to Peaches soon."

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