Chapter 2

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A/N: Thank you everyone for saving this story to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! :) The next chapter will have a certain encounter in it *wink wink.* Don't want to be giving it away now. Enjoy! :)


"Luigi and I had just started our plumbing company a couple of months ago," Mario began his and Luigi's story. Y/N gave Mario her full attention.

Mario continued, "It was a tough start because we previously worked at another company owned by Spike."

"He's uh...not the nicest person," Luigi filled in.

Y/N nodded, "That's too bad."

"Yeah. He didn't treat us well when we left him," Mario explained, "he said that we were a joke and that we couldn't make it basically. It's frustrating when people doubt your ability to do anything."

"That is disappointing when people don't give you enough hope," Y/N said expressing sadness.

"Our mom on the other hand was proud of us," Luigi said with a grin.

Y/N smiled, "That's good! At least she was happy for you two."

"Yep!" Mario exclaimed, "Anyway, to continue, we got to see our commercial broadcast and not too long after seeing it, we got a call from a client. Turns out it was the same client whose house we went to earlier this evening."

"Oh wow! You were able to go to a fancy house for your first job. That's awesome!" Y/N said with glee.

"Yeah, we definitely hit the big times!" Luigi chimed in.

"So," Mario started again, "we get inside the house and fix up a busted sink. However, we had some trouble thanks to their dog Francis."

"Francis was very sensitive," Luigi said. "I stepped on his bone by accident and then he caused us to have a whole ruckus in the bathroom where we were fixing up the sink."

Y/N expressed worry, "Oh awful."

"Yeah, not fun, but we managed to pull through," Mario said. "After that fiasco, we went to have dinner with the family and then our dad had to go and say something to bring me down."

"He said Mario was bringing me down with him," Luigi said sadly. "Of course, I tried cheering him up letting him know that he wasn't bringing me down at all. I was happy to help him out with plumbing."

"Aw! You two have such a wonderful brotherly bond," Y/N commented. "That is awful what your dad said though."

"We've always been there for each other," Mario smiled to Luigi and turned back to Y/N. "Don't worry, Dad eventually came around. Next thing that happened after that was there was a huge leak happening in downtown Brooklyn. I happened to be watching the news when seeing that story. I told Luigi this would be our chance to prove ourselves.

"We headed out towards downtown and there was water everywhere! The biggest flood we have ever seen. We saw the other workers trying to stop more water from coming out of the sewage system, but they weren't getting to the source of it," Mario said.

"We had to go into the sewage system," Luigi shivered in disgust. "That was horrifying."

"It was the only option we had," Mario continued. "We went down, and we found the source of the problem."

Mario and Luigi continued with their story talking about a green pipe leading them to another world. From there, they went into detail about meeting a princess, a turtle named Bowser, and mushroom people. They also talked about meeting a gorilla named Donkey Kong and making go-karts. Y/N took everything in and almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. It almost sounded like a fictional story. Soon, Mario and Luigi concluded their story saying they were able to defeat Bowser with a power up called the SuperStar.

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