Chapter 7

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A/N: Thank you everyone for adding this to your reading lists and for the follow! I really appreciate it! My goal is to try and upload one chapter each week. I did make this chapter a little longer. I hope all of you enjoy it!


The sun was nearing dusk as the princess, mushroom man, and the two plumbers reached the kingdom of the Kongs. Jungle Kingdom was at last in front of them. They were a bit tired from the day's adventures, but relieved that they all finally made it to their destination. Princess Peach slowed her Yoshi down and got off it. The other three followed suit. They all had their Yoshies wait by the entrance and fed them some of the other fruit brought along with them.

Peach walked up to the large golden doors and grabbed the knocker. She knocked twice and everyone waited for someone to open the doors. The doors were thrown open with such force that Luigi jumped back terrified. A Kong with blond hair roared at them.

"De ja vu," Mario said. He remembered when he, Peach, and Toad were all greeted this way not too long ago.

"Greetings, we need to speak with the king," Peach spoke as she stared up at the Kong who towered over her and everyone else.

The Kong huffed and allowed everyone to enter, "Alright, everyone get in the kart."

Everyone got into the kart. It was a tight squeeze for Mario, Luigi, and Peach. Toad took the seat that was propped out in the back. Again, de ja vu came to Mario's thoughts about the seating arrangement with the addition of Luigi this time.

The blond Kong started driving the kart in a fast manner that everyone had to hold onto the railings in the kart tightly. Luigi yelped and had an iron grip on the railings. He was not used to this kind of thing.

"We'll be out of here soon enough," Mario said, trying to comfort his brother.

Luigi smiled at Mario.

The kart swerved as it followed the curves of the wooden road still staying on the tracks. It felt like a roller coaster. Toad was excited as he was lifted out of his seat when the kart would go up and down on the hills. Eventually, the wooded track ended, and the kart flew off it. The kart then had a paraglider come out of it and they soared above the open water below them. They then landed in an opening that was the entrance to the Kong throne room.

Once more, familiarity came up for Mario, Peach, and Toad with Luigi now part of the scene. They all exited the kart and the blond Kong drove out in a hurry. The throne room was spacious and on either side of the four friends, Kongs dressed up in armor were lined up. At the end of the throne room sat the king of the Kongs. He had a long white beard, and he eyed the four people walking up to his throne.

"King Cranky Kong," Peach said as she did a curtsy. "It is wonderful to see you again."

"Princess Peach. We meet again. I take it you're here because you want my army?" the king spoke in a knowing tone.

"Yes, your majesty. Bowser has escaped his prison and he has taken a new friend of ours. We believe he is also plotting to find another SuperStar to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom. Possibly other kingdoms as well," Peach explained.

"That seems to be a likely story. Well...seeing as how Mario proved his strength last time to my son, we could give you a hand again."

"That would be most appreciated. Thank you!"

The king wagged his finger, "Before we do though, I have one request from you."

"Uh okay. Sure. What is your request?"

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