Chapter 10

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes, comments, and adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! Hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


The kart Y/N rode in continued its drive to get away from Bowser. The ground was shaking beneath the car tires. Y/N gripped onto the bar placed in front of her and the Kong driving steadied his grip on the wheel and gas pedal. It felt as though an earthquake was following them. Y/N knew the earthquake came from Bowser who was fast approaching them.

Y/N felt awful, and she really wanted to jump out of the kart. However, that would mean seriously injuring herself in the process. She didn't want to do something stupid to get herself hurt. She sighed sadly and angerly. Why didn't Mario listen to her? She knew everyone was just looking out for her, but still. She knew the history between Mario, Bowser, and the others wasn't the best, but people can change if they really want to.

She could see that Bowser was trying to change. It can take time for change to come about, but why not give that person a chance to do it? She glanced behind her to see that the other karts were catching up with them. The ground was not quaking as heavily. Looking further back, she could see that Bowser had slowed down his pace. Still trying to catch up with all of them, but not coming as fast.


"It's about time he slowed his pace down," Donkey commented.

"No kidding," Toad agreed.

Luigi, who had also been in the same kart as them, sat in silence. He felt that they were being too rash with rushing into this. The look in Y/N's eyes when she spoke seemed real and genuine, not that of someone who didn't have control over their thoughts and words. Her eyes were showing raw emotion. He couldn't help feeling down.

"Hey, you alright there?" Toad asked the plumber in green.

"Huh?" Luigi looked at Toad. "Oh uh...Yeah."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Luigi didn't feel like voicing his thoughts out to the others. He figured it would be best to keep them to himself for now.


Mario and Peach had not talked after she questioned him about not trusting Y/N. Both were occupied in their own head space. The plumber in red couldn't fathom the idea of someone like Bowser changing his approach to people. It all seemed to happen so fast. He knew he wasn't there to witness it, but it all seemed too good to be true. How could someone do a 180 so quickly?

He knew he had hurt Y/N and he felt bad about that, but part of him was still not entirely convinced of the change with the Koopa King. He didn't want to hurt Y/N anymore than he already had. He knew, as he told the princess, they would have to have Y/N tell her story again. He knew he needed to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Peach felt saddened. She could see how much Y/N cared for the Koopa King. It was surprising and yet, it was nice. She herself would never want to be with him as she didn't have that attraction to him. However, she was happy to see that Bowser seemed to be taking an interest in someone else for a change. She still thought Bowser to be crazy but hearing him be soft around Y/N was sweet.

She turned around behind her to see that Bowser was no longer moving toward them. He looked tired out, but not ready to give up yet.


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