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I sank into my office chair with a tired sigh. It was another Monday and I couldn't sleep a wink the night before because I had a lot of projects to finish up and I had to get back to my boss concerning the interview I had with Jason. So I was working on projects and making a report. As I made the report, I realized that I didn't get enough information; I mean, I got vital points but they weren't enough. Instead of focusing on my work, I went to make mojitos. Damn.

I heard the chime of the elevator and heels clacking.

"Hiiii!" She sang as she walked towards me, her floral scent enveloping the entire office. She hugged me tightly and sat down.

"Why do you look like a ghost?" She asked with a laugh.

I sighed, "I had a lot of projects to finish up babe, and I have to report on this charity event thingy today. I'm so tired." I wailed.

"I can see that. Sorry babe. I should have asked earlier, were you able to get enough information?" She asked. I rubbed my temples and sighed. Alcohol would have hit the spot at that moment but I had to control myself. I had a goal.

"I honestly don't know. I don't think I got enough information. Damn, this is hard. How were you able to do it?" I responded as I gave her my report to read. She read through and nodded her head as she read.

"Girl, I don't know how I did it. Thankfully, I survived. And you're going to survive too. I'm here to help, Frank too. It is part of the experience, trust me." She said as she handed the report back to me.

"How is the report? I asked. She looked at me, thinking of the words to say. "Don't lie to me," I warned. If the report wasn't good, I wouldn't show Mr. Alex. Better safe than sorry.

"Sincerely speaking, it was okay but you can do better." She said and I plopped my head on my desk.

"You could tell Mr. Alex that you don't have much information yet. I'm sure he would understand. " She suggested nudging me.

I rose my head and looked at her. "I know, but I hate being inconsistent. I'm usually a hardworking employee."

"You'll be fine, the event is in December, we are about to end September, you know that right? You still have time." She said calmly.

"Fine. I'll tell him to give me an extra week, or 2 extra weeks even." I said and she nodded in agreement.

"Have you created a social media account?" She asked.

Shit. I forgot that.

She laughed and shook her head, " What have you been doing? Getting down with the bar's owner?" She teased. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at her, trying to hide my shock. Her eyes widened, "Have you?!!" Her voice was high-pitched.

"No, I haven't," I replied rolling my eyes. "The question caught me off guard, that's all."

She studied me, "Hm, okay then. If you say so." She nudged me again, laughing. "Anyways, you should create the social media account now. Take pictures of the bar, the workers, and things that concern the bar. It is important. It gives the bar more recognition too, no matter how small." I listened to every word and nodded. I then made a mental note to text

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