The Battle

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In the depth up to 32,808ft (10 kilometers) you went hunting with your parents and siblings, everyone was having fun. As you caught some fish with your sharp claws and the sharp tip of your fin, sensing danger around you.

Told your family about it with hand sings, since you couldn't talk but they thought it might just be another shark which would go away if it didn't see them. You calmed down and continued your hunting.

Then you sensed it again, but this time, sensed many of them around you and your entire siren colony's area. Your family started to notice it aswell and hurried everyone back to their area where it should be safe.

It felt like there was gonna be war against your colony and some other colony. Then everyone saw human inventions, which looked harmful. Before you could see it clearly, a group of humans getting weapons, but didnt obviously know how their weapons worked.

In the ocean there was sharp spears. Female sirens had the most dangerous weapon though, ''The Siren Song''. It was mostly used to lurk ship members to their death's. You couldnt do it, because you hadn't learned it yet, and only mother's can teach you how to do it or it comes randomly on a good timing.

While still being confused why didn't the female sirens start singing the song, since it would have worked perfectly for this occasion. Asking your mother about it, she replied saying that the song cant be used this deep in the water because they never thought that any human could get to this type of depth. The song only worked about 1-2km from the surface.

As the humans start to attack and capture sirens in nets and tank's, you and your family start to swim away trying to escape while holding spears in your hands. Suddenly, a group of humans formed right infront of you and your family holding sharp weapons that are fast. You tried throwing a spear but failed because you accidentally missed.

The humans started to shoot their weapons towards your family members, which killed them instantly. You watched as they got murdered and they sank deep in the oceann never to be seen again.

Ready to also die, a shark which has never been discovered by humans came with a speed, since it sensed the blood of the sirens and the humans. It was mostly focused on the group since they had flashlights with them. The group started to swim away with speed, which gave you time to escape aswell.

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