just give me some space (jan/fem! oc)

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Sabrina absolutely adored her boyfriend. To her, Jan was the equivalent of happiness, the sun, warmth and love. he was handsome, talented and funny, intelligent and cheerful but also comforting and made her feel better in any given situation.

he had also told her that he loved her and in his eyes she was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever laid his eyes on. he had told her that he loved her humor, found her to be extremely smart and witty, loved her generosity and selflessness.

Their relationship was often described as healthy. they were close and loved each other more than anything, but able to be their own people outside of the relationship and never neglect their own interests and their friends. Sabrina was sure that no matter the situation, Jan would be comfortable enough to express his opinions or concerns regarding an event that was going on.

so she was pretty fucking confused when she walked in the studio with the lunch Jan had asked her to bring and she heard him talking  to his friends about her being over demanding and overbearing. she knew that he was most likely just stressed, but couldn't help but to think that something she had done made him upset.

"I mean, do not get me wrong, I love her. I love her so, so much but, god I cannot be around her right now. I just get so annoyed around her and I want to yell at her to leave me alone, I just don't have the heart to do so when she's so happy to see me." she heard Jan say. she imagined him sat in the sofa, leaning back with his hand running through his hair or scratching his chin, like he did when he was nervous.

"I mean, I can't blame you for thinking that, but have you at least tried telling her?" someone said back. Nace. someone sighed. she wasn't sure if it was her boyfriend or someone else, but it didn't matter anyways because she wanted to go home.

"Well, no-"  Jan started before someone scoffed.

"She can't read your mind, man. I'm sure she'd give you space if you asked her to do so." she heard Bojan say, but his voice kept getting louder. footsteps approached where she stood and she wasn't sure whether to stay or back off, but it was too late anyways, because one more second passed and Bojan stood in front of her.

well, fuck.

He stopped abruptly, eyes widening and mouth clicking shut. Sabrina smiled awkwardly and gave a small wave, the plastic bag of food making noise in her hand.

"Sabrina, hey! um- what are you doing here?" Bojan asked in a hushed tone, but loud enough for her to hear. Sabrina lifted the bag, Bojan's eyes darting towards it.

"I came to drop off Jan's lunch like he asked me to." she smiled and stretched the arm with the bag out. "oh, and tell Jan that if he wants space, he can just say so. actually, no. you're not a part of this, so I won't drag you in it." Sabrina said, pushing past Bojan to go to the main area, being stopped by the man who pulled her back into the spot where no one could see them.

"Sabrina. before you go there, and I'm not sure how much you heard, but just know that all of us were trying to convince him to tell you" Bojan stated, letting go off her arm he grabbed in earlier.

"I know Bojan. you're all good. and besides, it's not your job to keep Jan in check." she smiled.

"kinda is. we're friends,so you know" Bojan shook his hands and laughed before letting her go forward to the main part of the studio that was strangely silent.

"hey Jan! I got your food that you asked for!" she smiled and dropped off the bag on his lap before beginning to leave.

"you're not staying?" he asked, rather confused.

"oh, no. I just need some space, you know?" she said with a smile and turned around to leave the studio.

"Sabrina, listen-" Jan stood up to follow her out of the studio. she shook her head and continued walking away, refusing to acknowledge any of the other people present within the studio.

"Sabrina, just listen to me!" Jan asked, finally stepping in front of her to block the entrance of the room. and sabrina had fucking had it.

she wasn't sure why she was so mad in the first place, because this was what Jan was most likely reffering to. he couldn't even tell her why he needed his space because she wouldn't let him.

"fine. tell me. I'm listening" she shook her head, keeping her distance from him. they stood there, awkwardly aware of the presence of the other band members. she didn't care, and she doubted he cared either, considering he had no prior issue flaunting his concerns to his friends rather than her.
and that sounded like absolute garbage to say about her boyfriend, rather hypocritical as well, but she was so pissed off she couldn't seperate sweet from sour and hot from cold.

"I-Listen. I've just been stressed? I don't know if this is the right thing to say here, but it's all just been piling up on top of everything and I just don't want to be around people for a bit, but I just feel bad because we didn't see each other for over a month  and I don't know- I didn't know how to go about it without hurting your feelings" Jan finished explaining, letting out a large breath of relief, most likely from finally letting it go off his chest.

"and I know you're most likely mad, and I for sure will spend some time with you to make up for it-" Jan attempted to quickly continue, not noticing his girlfriends sigh.


"And, I want you to know that you're not the problem at all, I'm just a bit all over the place right now-"

"Jan, shut up." she interrupted him. not the most efficient way to do so, but it was the only way she remembered.

"right- um, sorry"

"Jan. remember how you always annoy me go put myself first and not feel bad for doing so?" She asked him, while finally getting close enough to him to grab his hand.

"well yeah, but"

"this is, in fact the same thing. so don't even. if you need time off, space, or a person to rant to, who you aren't already ranting to-" she motioned behind her, hoping there's still people in the couch she could reference "-I'll be here. if you want me to help in any way, know that I will try my best, okay?" she smiled up at him.

"yay! they're happy now!" suddenly Bojan came back in the room patting both of them on the shoulder and throwing himself back on the couch. Jan laughed, pulling her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"no, but seriously, if you need space, don't be afraid to ask okay?" Sabrina sighed out, finally backing away from him and pointing her finger at his face.

"okay, okay! but now is not the time" Jan laughed, leading the two back toward the couch where they could sit together.

"that's rather contradicting of you" she smugly said.



hello! I don't know what came over me but I decided that I'm gonna continue writing here after over two years!

I haven't written oc fiction in so long, so forgive me if it's trash, but I hope you liked it!

if you did enjoy it (somehow) feel free to write me requests and I'll write some more because I do need practice!


vin :)

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