asleep (nace/fem! oc)

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Nace was finally home and had the ability to sleep in his own bed, see his turtles, and his girlfriend (he'd like to pretend he thought of his girlfriend before everything else stated prior), so life was great.

he finished his short UK tour and while he was happy it happened, he was prepared to push and tip the goddamn bus with his bare hands.

so when he stepped off the airplane to see Sarah-his girlfriend- waving at him next to kris' girlfriend he was over the mother fucking moon. he hugged her tightly, kissing her hair and saying hello before they both decided it was a great idea to head home for the night and go to bed.

nace couldn't sleep.

it was nice to be next to his girlfriend  knowing she was there and safe and all, but he just couldn't sleep. he had counted all the sheep, blinked aggressively so his eyes would be tired, tried distracting himself so he could fall asleep without realizing it, basically everything.

he let out a frustrated sigh and turned around again. perhaps he was a little bit too loud, because a small shuffle came from the spot next to him. nace held his breath as he hoped that Sarah only turned in her sleep and wouldn't wake up.

But alas, he was wrong.

"nace?" Sarah hummed from the other side of the bed reaching towards him, caressing his bicep. nace hummed, turning to look at her, the only light provided in the room coming from the digital alarm clock on Sarah's side of the bed.

"What are you doing awake? you need to sleep" She finally moved to lay next to him, her hand reaching into his hair and tousling it.

"can't" he grumbled.

"What do you mean 'can't'" she huffed.

"I can't sleep" he bitterly explained, shifting so his comforter would fall lower on his body.

"And what happened to the whole 'if you can't sleep don't be scared to wake me up' thing?" she sighed annoyed, lifting her hands to make quotation marks.

"I said that to to you." nace tried reasoning, a heavy yawn forcing it's way out of him in the middle of the sentence. he really needed to sleep.

"And does that automatically mean I can't do the same for you?" she reprimanded him. she sounded like a tired mother, scolding her kid for wearing muddy shoes and ruining her carpet. she'd be a great mom in the future, but that wasn't a thing he needed to be thinking about in that moment.

upon not receiving an answer Sarah groaned and nace could hear her eyeroll: "come here" she said, moving the comforter away from her as an invitation for nace to lay next to her.

"fine" nace whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head on her chest, basking in the feeling of warmth and comfort. and nace was sure he would be able to fall asleep in that exact moment already, but of course his girlfriend being the best human being ever just had to make it better. he felt her fingers gently massage his scalp, a gentle kiss being pressed into his hair.

"try falling asleep, okay?" she whispered, her consciousness slowly slipping away again. she still gently brushed her fingers through his hair almost as to make sure he fell asleep before her.

and finally, finally after what seemed to be hours, Nace's eyes began feeling heavier. he let our a heavy breath, tightening his hold around Sarah's waist before he was able to fall asleep for the night.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my poor writing during my major writers block!

I wasn't going to finish this yet, but joker out put out the news of parting ways with gregor and I just needed this to come out (and also I have been promising people nace fics for a while) so here you go!

please don't be afraid to ask for specific scenarios when it comes to requests, I love it when people do that :)

and as for you all take care of yourselves


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