possesive? no. (jan/fem!oc)

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Here are the corrections:

"There was a time when Sabrina hated the idea of a guy being possessive, protective, or whatever a man might think of. She was capable of taking care of herself, controlling a situation, and getting away from discomfort-inducing men.

And then she met Jan.

Jan was the equivalent of a cat. He'd lurk behind, let her have her own space, but when someone wanted to do anything that remotely pissed him off, he 'attacked'.

If you can count aggressive politeness as an attack, that is.

There had been multiple occasions on which she hated that he was the way he was. They'd go out with their friends, and if someone chatted her up (no matter who, even if he was just a friend from high school), Jan would intensely stare at the guy before approaching, wrapping his arm around her waist, and kissing her. He'd make uncomfortable small talk which was sickeningly sweet before excusing the two and cussing about the guy all the way back to their group.

Was it slightly annoying?


Was it extremely attractive?


The way his hand gripped her waist, thumb caressing the fabric of her dress while whispering a greeting in her ear. His jaw would clench while he greeted the other person with his low, smooth voice that sent shivers down her spine. His tall frame standing above her, almost protecting her in a sense, was also a plus. Did it sound like a shitty novel written by a man? Yeah, but a woman could only do so much.


It was a Friday when it happened again.

The group had gone to a club in Ljubljana in order to celebrate the band's tour. As per usual, Sabrina had hung around Jan for the majority of the night before she began finding the conversation between him and his bandmates too boring and venturing off on her own. Grabbing her drink, she stood up, caressing Jan's shirt before heading to the dance floor and gently swaying at the side while conversing with Kris' girlfriend, Lara.

The two were laughing and catching up (slightly complaining about their boyfriends and their occasional inability to notice pathetically obvious hints) when a man approached the two. Sabrina had to admit, he was quite handsome. Not her type, but she definitely wasn't blind to his obvious conventional attractiveness.

"Hello, what are you girls doing all by yourselves?" he flashed a smile that frankly made him lose a large amount of attraction points in Sabrina's eyes, his eyes trailing down her body in a way that made her stomach churn uncomfortably.

"We're just here catching up while our boyfriends do the same," Lara smiled politely, inching closer to the other girl. She gripped her hand as a small comfort system, once again looking at the guy in front of them with a tight-lipped smile.

"Your boyfriends left you here on your own? If you were mine, I would never leave you out of sight," he insinuated, leaning closer to whisper in her ear.

Sabrina wanted to vomit.

Her nostrils burned with the smell of liquor wafting out of his mouth, cigarette smoke lingering somewhere on his clothes along with cheap cologne tying the knot of pure discomfort. Sabrina shifted backward along with her friend, looking in the direction of the table where Jan was seated and hopefully observing the situation.

"We were just hanging around here," she attempted to justify, a small nervous waver in her voice.

"Well, sweetheart-"

"Hello, sunshine," a low, familiar, comforting voice announced her boyfriend's presence, once again the soft arm wrapping around her. She grinned as she nestled herself under his arm, gently holding onto his free hand. He looked the man up and down before flashing a polite smile and introducing himself.

The man seemed more and more uncomfortable as Jan continued the conversation, almost taunting him to attempt to get away from him. The topics ranged from education to work, from pets to hobbies and practically anything else he could think of. Eventually, Sabrina gently squeezed his palm, getting his attention and nodding towards their group who was looking occasionally at them to make sure they're alright. They weren't worried about Jan getting physical — he wasn't the type — but a simple check-up to make sure they were alright was always good.

"Well, we should really get going. Right, Sab?" Jan suddenly said, looking down at her with a raised brow.

"Oh, absolutely! It's been lovely, but we should get going. It was lovely meeting you," she paused, urging him to repeat his name: "Matej," he replied, shifting uncomfortably under her intense gaze: "ah! Well, Matej, it was lovely meeting you but we're heading out," she grinned, gently tugging Jan's arm to follow her.

As soon as they were out of earshot, they began laughing, looking at each other.

"Damn, that was something," Jan commented as they sat down at the table with their friends, his hand resting on Sabrina's upper thigh. "It really was, huh?" she replied, moving closer into his space and settling down, ready to continue on with the night with their friends.


Ladies and Lads, I am back! (Don't hold me to that considering last time I said that I posted in September), but here's a quick one! Um, let me know what you think and peace out!

-Vin 🩷🩷

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