jealousy, jealousy (kris/fem! oc)

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Kris never considered himself to be a jealous person. he held his composure, understood that his girlfriend was a grown woman with her own relationships and that she could converse with and befriend whoever she wanted.

it was a completely different thing when it was his friends.

ever since they stepped through Bojan's apartment door, Kris had a gut feeling. The older greeted them with a big smile and a hug for each, before he stepped aside and let them in. they walked to the living room, seeing the other three of his bandmates who  were happy to see them; mainly excited to see his girlfriend.

Kris' gut filled with anger, his brow furrowing.

Lara smiled wide, embracing all of them before sitting between Jan and Jure on the couch.

she sat. next to jure. and jan.

not him, jure and jan.

Kris sat on the love seat opposite the four people in the couch and stared. they were playing a video game on the screen, a video game by the name of cuphead. he was staring intently at his girlfriend who was laughing at the fact that Jure had been playing a level for a solid hour.

his face was held in a permanent frown, brows scrunched. he stared at her, rather unimpressed at the fact that she kept leaning into Jan.  he was going to kill that brunet motherfucker.

"Hej krisko, you okay?" Bojan asked when he walked back into the living room, handing him a beer. Kris grunted in response, refusing to take his eyes off his girlfriend who was still obliviously laughing with his friends.

"Man, I can assure you none of us want your girlfriend. she's cool, she's kind but we have our own people, you know" Bojan reassured, patting his shoulder and sitting down on the floor next to him.

"wanna go on a smoke break?" Kris asked, already standing up watching to see if Bojan would follow along. he did.

Once outside, he offered his pack to Bojan, who took a cigarette out, lighting it with a lighter he had on his balcony. Kris did the same, relaxing when he exhaled the smoke. they stood in silence for a while, smoking until Kris broke the silence.

"I feel like a douche." He started, Bojan humming in acknowledgment.

"I-I genuenly don't know why, like, she's allowed to hang out with our friends and I have no issue with it... but today, I don't know man" he trailed off, looking Bojan in the eyes who just nodded in response.

"I get what you mean... I'm the same with Ella, honestly. sometimes I'm just a bit more clingy, and that's fine, you can be a bit more protective of your girlfriend, what did sixteen year old you say, 'chicks dig that'" Bojan and Kris snorted, the latter shaking his head.

"But, you have to make sure that you're not a dick about it. you know... she cares about you. a lot. so I need you to know that if you fuck it up, I'll fuck you up. Lara's a cool girl who does cool shit. and I haven't seen you this happy with someone in a while." Bojan shrugged, exhaling the last of the smoke, before pressing the cigerette butt on the ashtray, looking at Kris to follow him.

They walk inside, Lara now sitting on the love seat by herself, smiling up at Kris when he walked in.

"Hi" she smiled, Kris pecking her lips, watching her slightly grimace.

"ew, you smoked again" she huffed out, Kris laughing. He watched as Lara stood up, motioning for him to sit down, before plopping onto his lap.

"Also," she said, Kris humming.

"you're not really discrete when you're jealous" Lara continued, whispering in his ear, snorting when she saw the blush spread on his cheeks and ears. He dropped his face onto her shoulder, pressing small kisses all around her skin.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm like that today..." He quietly apologized and let out a content sigh when her hand moved into his hair, gently scratching his scalp.

"It's okay. besides, chicks dig that" she snorted loudly when Kris shot up from her shoulder, staring at her with wide eyes.

"How'd you-"


"that dumb fuck, I'll punch his short ass." He grumbled annoyed, relaxing slightly upon meeting her eyes again.

"I love you." he professed, kissing her forehead.

"And I love you." she replied, kissing him on the lips.

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