man it feels good to feel this way (bojan/fem! oc)

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"I'm so fucking nervous" Ella muttered, staring at the television screen intently. it was the second semi-final and Joker Out were preforming. they putting on a show, as per usual, charming the crowd with their stage presence and charisma.

but was it enough? she was proud of her boyfriend and his friends, of course! but did Europe think that they were as good as she saw them? slowly she was starting to lose hope as countries were announced and Slovenia was nowhere to be heard.

the camera panned over to the boys, some looking nervous and excited, some flat out disappointed, as if they practically knew they weren't getting into the finals. they'd have to pack up their bags and go back home to Slovenia, continuing to live off their small, yet enthusiastic Slovenian (and occasionally also Balkan) crowds.

"come on! can't they just spit it out like normal people would?" Sarah asked, plopping herself down on the couch next to Ella, taking a sip from her drink and placing it back on the coffee table.

Ella snorted and rolled her eyes, picking up her phone and turning it on, seeing her last text to Bojan hadn't been replied to. she fondly rolled her eyes, locking her phone again before she continued to bicker annoyed at the sluggish pace the announcements were moving at.

until they finally got to the last country. Bojan looked absolutely dissapointed, arms wrapped around his bandmates, looking like he just wanted to get it over with.

and then it happened.

the word "Slovenia" projected through the television speakers, Ella jumping up into the air, yelling in joy as she tightly hugged Sarah who was in no better position than her. The guys were screaming in excitement, jumping all over one another, forming a puppy pile on the eurovision couch.

ella needed to call bojan later.


She was excitedly pacing around her apartment, biting her nails while waiting for Bojan to pick up.

"Hello!" Bojan's voice said across the line. she heard muffled voices in the backround, celebrating their success.

"Hi! I am so, so, so proud of you!" Ella squealed into the phone, Bojan's bubbly laughter playing over the line. He let out a sigh of what she assumed to be relief, practically crying out on the phone.

"Oh, fuck, El, you have no clue how fucking distressed I was out there" he groaned out with a laugh, Jan's joyful scream being heard in the background before the phone got taken out of his hand, the guitarist screaming out "We did it Ella!" he laughed along with Bojan who was seemingly wrestling the older for the phone.

She laughed fondly, smiling as Bojan's voice spoke again. "I was so nervous i was gonna fuck up," he confessed. She imagined him sitting down somewhere with his fingers running through his hair in slight distress but primarily in relief. "i get you, Sarah and i were nervous and we weren't even competing. You did really well," she said softly sighing out.

"thank you. i love you, i'll get back to the guys now,okay?" he eventually said, the speakers shuffling again.

"you tell them hi for me, okay?"

"I will, I love you"

"I love you too."


This was requested by @waverine_   and i'm sorry it took this long but here it is?!

-vin 🩷

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