distance between us (kris/fem! oc)

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"I miss you" Lara sighed over the phone. it had been fourteen days, sixteen hours, eighteen minutes and a little over 39 seconds since her boyfriend left to the airport. She loved that her boyfriend was able to represent their country on Eurovision, but what she disliked was the fact that he had to leave for a longer period of time.

To be fair, Lara loved her own space. she liked to be left alone and she liked  being aware of where she left her own things. but, she also loved her boyfriend. she loved the idea that he was close and that he was okay. now, that he was in a different country she heavily relied on bad-signal phone calls and interviews he was in.

"I know, I'm sorry," Kris quietly said back, rustling of (at least what Lara thought) the hotel room bedsheets heard in the backround. Lara let out a confused hum.

"why are you sorry?" she asked, walking around her apartment. Rain gently pattered on the windows, her blinds drawn shut, giving her a small sense of comfort.

"I know that you don't do well without people around you after a bit" Kris said. she imagined him standing- no, he was for sure sitting in the hotel room on the bed, propped up against the headboard. she didn't know if he was sharing a room with anyone, but she couldn't hear anyone else, so he must have been alone.

she imagined him sitting there in a sweater and some sweatpants with messy hair. he was (judging off his tone) quite tired.

Regardless of him being right and her being sad, she let out a soft chuckle.

"are you my therapist?" Lara mused into her phone, finally laying down on her couch. she stared around the room, looking at small nicknacks and both her and other peoples' belongings which happened to land where they did. in the wall above her television sat a painting that Kris helped her pick out when they were at one of those old vintage shops ran by older people.

"well no, but I'd say that I know you pretty well" he muttered back to her. and if he closed his eyes, he could pretend that she was sat next to him and they were talking normally. Kris didn't know why he felt so, desolate? he was surrounded by people, his friends, team and new people and so many more, but he just felt lonely.

and both him and Lara were big on travelling. Lara traveled for work quite often and he, well it was practically his job. and up to that point travelling was never an issue for either of them.

until, well, now.

"I think you're one of the only people who I can say know a lot about me. and nace. I feel like nace knows too much" Lara laughed over the line and kris couldn't help but to let out a snort.

"he just sits down and suddenly I tell him everything. it's the big brother vibe, you know." he explained.

"Kris it's not nice to call your friends old"

"Lara- what the fuck?" Kris barked out a surprised laugh. and suddenly they were both cackling and everything felt good again.

"you know, I love you." Lara said out of the blue.  Kris hummed out in confusion.

"I love you too, but where is all of this coming from?" he asked, putting the phone closer to him, as if he's leaning in to hear a secret.

"I don't know, really. I just love so many things about you. and the fact that you're not here right now makes me think of those things even more." Lara confessed.


"oh? that's all you have to say, I'm here, confessing my love towards you and all you say is, oh?" Lara said jokingly.

"I love so many things about you too. I just hadn't thought about it in the same way as you. I don't know, man. I love you more than words can describe, Lara" he was whispering. Whispering like those were his final words ever said.

silence followed. Kris liked it. it was a comfortable silence that let them both think of their own things (even though they were mostlikely thinking of each other) but still spend time together. Kris liked that type of silence. he yawned and turned to nuzzle his nose into the plain comforter of the bed.

"you should go to bed, love" Lara muttered, taking at the small groan Kris let out.

"I'm serious. go to bed."  she laughedwhile getting up and moving towards her own bedroom.

"sleep call?" kris asked after he shuffled around to put his phone on his charger and got under the covers. his eyes felt heavy and his breathing was getting slower and slower.

"fine, I love you." Lara whispered for the last time before kris fell asleep.


i absolutely hate this! however, hello to the new people I saw piling into my reads and the new followers I've received! I love you all <3

as always, if you'd like me  to write something, don't be afraid to ask :)


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