my hands aren't shaking, you just think they are (Jan/fem!oc)

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"Everything will be okay, everything will be okay, I got this. I got this." Jan kept mumbling to himself as he paced around the room. Kris looked up at him from his phone, raising a brow at him "Dude. chill." he threw his phone on the bed, tumblr still opened. He stood in front of Jan, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him slightly. "She already said yes to going out with you. You'll take her out on what, you said?" Kris asked, giving Jan leeway to answer.

"Small diner a couple blocks down and then on a walk to Tivoli." he replied, hands fiddling on his jeans, replicating the notes of Symphony of Destruction to calm his nerves. Kris nodded and smoothed out Jan's t-shirt before dragging him out of his room and downstairs out of Kris' house. "Remember. Be cool, don't be weird and don't talk about yourself too much" Kris said, pointing a finger at him.

"We both know that's not an issue. I'm not you" he teased, moving out of the way of Kris' hand swatting at him. His eyes narrowed, brows raising unimpressed. "Fuck you," he said as Jan turned around and began walking to the place where he and Petra were meant to meet. He plugged in his earbuds and listened to music as he walked, heart nearly dropping when he saw her waiting for him.

She was shorter than him for a solid fifteen centimetres, with light brown hair, green eyes accentuated by her mascara covered lashes and pretty nose and cheeks littered with freckles. She wore a five sos t-shirt and black skinny jeans with black converse on her feet.

"Hi," he said as he tugged his earbuds out of his ears, pushing them into his pocket. Her eyes short up, a grin spreading on her face. She had dimples, cute. She reached up to hug him, her arms wrapping around his neck, his coming around her waist.

"Hi! i know you said casual so i hope i got the dress code?" she asked, nervously biting her lip. A small blush spread on Jan's ears. "Yeah, you-you look great. Anyways, you wanna get going?" He asked, pointing into the direction of the diner. She nodded and began walking with him, small talk flowing between the two.

They walked down the sidewalk, Petra talking about some clip of a concert that she was at- five sos apparently-Jan thought it was cute-before he nearly tripped over his feet, Petra grabbing him by the arm and tugging him back to let him catch his balance "Woah- Jan if you fall I don't know if i'll catch you-so we're both tumbling"

"Thanks," Jan muttered as he regained his balance. "Very funny," he added, shooting her a playful glare. The blush was still present on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. As they continued walking, he found himself stealing glances at her, trying hard not to stare. But everytime he looked at her, he saw something new. Her dimples, the way she smiled...

He tried his best to stay focused on the conversation, to listen to her words. But all he heard were the beats of his heart, thumping loudly in his chest.

As they slowly approached the small diner, Jam grabbed Petra's arm and lead her into the building, opening the door for her and leading them to a table, pulling her seat out before anxiously sitting opposite her and pulling out his walled out of his pocket "'ve ever been here before?" she asked as she looked around the building, smiling at the decorations. "Uh, a couple of times" he replied, looking around the diner. It was cozy, with booths and tables filling the room. The walls were painted a warm shade of yellow, decorated with pictures of famous musicians and band logos. The smell of freshly cooked food filled the air.

"Their burgers are pretty damn good. You, uh, you mentioned you likesd Five Seconds of Summer, right?" he asked, trying to focus on the conversation.

"yeah i do!" she smiled brightly at him "you like metal, right?" she asked, looking at him for confirmation He nodded, a grin spreading across his lips. "Yeah, I love metal. Thrash, heavy, alternative, whatever. As long as the bass is strong, I'm into it." He chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"I'm a walking stereotype, I know." "You're not." her brows furrowed, as she reached across the table to pat his hand "i think it's nice that you like it. I'll be honest-" she suddenly blushed and looked to the side "i tried listening to it to attempt to impress you but it just wasn't my style...i know a couple of metal songs" she quickly added, perking up in her seat He chuckled, warmth filling his chest as she reached out to pat his hand. He watched as her face turned red and she averted her gaze.

"You don't need to listen to metal to impress me, you know," he said softly, leaning forward a bit. "But I appreciate the effort." He raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Oh yeah? And what metal songs do you know?"

" Well i know metallica? and megadeath, only death, deaftones... and i just realised you asked about songs not bands..." she blushed again, scratching her neck while chuckling nervously He chuckled along with her, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"It's alright. I respect your attempts. You know, Metallica is a classic and Megadeth has some awesome songs. And Deftones is pretty great too. Maybe I'll have to give you a crash course in metal someday."

He leaned on the table, resting his chin on his hand. "You're doing a great job though, don't worry. However, if you really want to impress me, there are other ways."

"Such as?" she rose a brow, amused expression on her face. Jan shrugged "haven't decided yet" he confessed, looking over the menu that the waiter handed him upon his arrival.

He cleared his throat again and looked back up at her, a sly smile on his lips. "I'll tell you later."

He winked at her and shifted his focus towards the menu, pretending to be interested in the food selection.

The rest of the date had gone extremely well. The walk through Tivoli had been a great choice (Jam had to thank Martin and his girlfriend for that recommendation) and eventually Jan had begun walking Petra home. It was getting slightly chilly, Petra shivering every once in a while. Jan gently stopped her and pulled her to the side of the sidewalk and removed his flannel, handing it to her. "Uh, you're cold, right?" he asked, smiling sheepishly as she gratefully took the flannel and slipped it on.

"Thank you, really" she smiled and grabbed his hand, swaying them as they approached her house. They stood at the end of the driveway, Petra beginning to remove Jan's flannel "You can keep it-if you want to..." Jan rubbed the back of his neck, a blush spreading on his cheeks. Petra stopped and pulled back up on her shoulders, grinning.

"Thank you, i had fun...I'd like to hang out again, if-if you wanna as well?" she asked, fiddling with the hem of the flannel, looking up at him.

"Y-yeah. i'd love to." he nodded and cleared his throat. They made eye contact momentarily and Jan decided to wing it. "Remember when i said i'd tell you how to impress me? earlier?" he asked hesitantly, hoping it'd go well.

"Yeah? what is it?" the girl asked, leaning closer.

"You could kiss me," he leaned closer, eyes widening when she tugged his shirt and pecked him in the lips. They pulled away, both equally as pink before Petra began walking backwards towards her house.

"Well-I'll see you again?"

"Yeah..." he said with a grin and waited for her to walk into her house before walking off and calling Kris to let him know it had gone well.


Hello girlies!!! this was requested by glukoneogeneza and i hope you liked it!!! if you have any other requests let me know and i'll see you on the next one


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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