So pour out some liquor (martin/fem!oc)

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The party thrown for Laura finishing her exams was slowly dying, the closest friends remaining. Everyone was buzzed, or hammered, in Laura's case, clutching to their preferred drink of choice, rotting on a piece of furniture.

Martin swore he looked away for a moment. But somehow within that single minute Laura had gotten so drunk that she ended up giggling on the floor with Bojan, rolling around with him like puppies playing for the first time. He sighed, his eyes meeting Ella's, giving her a sympathetic look.

"Your extrovert got out of hand too, huh?" she asked and nudged him with her elbow, Martin letting out a snort. "And awfully drunk."

"And awfully drunk" she agreed, putting down her glass and approaching her boyfriend who had manoeuvred himself to lay at Nace's legs, head propped up on his shin. Martin sighed as well, getting a fresh glass of water, bringing it to the coffee table where Laura resided, giggling to herself, cheeks red and hair messy.

"Hi darling," he whispered, petting her hair and moving the dark brown locks out of her face. Her green eyes met his brown ones, suddenly sparkling with glee.

"Baby!" she called out, hand messily reaching out to pat his cheek. "Wanna hear a joke?" she leaned closer to him, blinking at him expectantly. "No," he laughed and kissed her nose. She gasped "Who's there?" Martin laughed and gently reached over to grab her waist to pull him towards himself.

"You know, i like to be wined and dined before i'm fucked," she mumbled into his shirt tiredly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss on his throat "but i can make an exception for you" she winked.

"We're not having sex. You're too drunk for that" he softly reprimanded, moving her away from his neck. "You can go and drink some water, though." he offered, hand reaching to grab the glass of water he sat on the table earlier. She whined: "But-" "No. You need to sleep." Martin scolded softly, moving to stand up and pull her with him, fixing her dress straps and lowering her dress.

Laura let out a pout, but let herself be pulled up and placed beside Martin, swaying a bit as she tried to keep her balance. "I'm not that drunk.." She protested, though her speech came out slightly slurred.

Martin chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. "Yes you are, darling." He said gently as he guided her toward the couch. "You're giggling on the floor with Bojan and you can barely stand straight."

"maybe you just swept me off my feet" she retorted, winking at him

Martin rolled his eyes playfully, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I did that a long time ago." He replied, guiding her to sit down on the couch. "But right now, you need to sober up a bit."

He settled down next to her, making sure she was comfortable before handing her the glass of water. "Drink this." He instructed gently.

"noooo" she pushed his glass away "i don't wanna"

"Laura." Martin's tone was firm, yet still caring. "You need to drink some water. You're dehydrated."

He gently took her hands and placed the glass in them again. "Just a few sips, darling." he said softly.

"i'm your dehydrated" she retorted back, leaning onto his shoulder

Martin couldn't help but let out a laugh at her nonsensical retort. "Yes, you are my dehydrated." He agreed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

He gently maneuvered her so that she was resting more comfortably against him. "Now, drink some water." he repeated, tapping the rim of the glass lightly.

"is it vodka?"

"No, it's not vodka." He replied firmly, shaking his head. "It's water. Plain, boring water."

He looked at her with a determined expression. "You need to drink it, whether you like it or not."

"don't insult water...she did nothing to you" she mumbled out, eyes growing heavier and heavier

"I'm not insulting water, love." Martin said softly, suppressing a chuckle. "It's a fact. Water is boring, but it's also essential to keep you healthy."

He noticed her eyelids fluttering, a sign that she was slowly getting tired. "Come on now, drink some water before you fall asleep." He encouraged, bringing the glass closer to her lips.

"are you trying to drug me?! he's-he's trying to drug me guys..." she called out, pointing at him with her pointer finger

Martin couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous accusation. "Yes, darling. I'm trying to drug you with...water." he replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes playfully, gently taking her hand and lowering it to her lap. "I'm not trying to drug you. I'm just trying to make sure you don't wake up with a hangover tomorrow."

She sighed heavily and finally took the glass of water from him, drinking it in a few gulps. "i'm really glad i'm dating you as an extrovert" she mumbled and dropped all her weight on him. He rose a brow, confused "what do you mean?" he asked, petting her hair.

"'re my introvert who calms me down. Opposites attract or something. So yeah, i love you..."she shrugged tiredly, slowly falling asleep in his lap.

"i love you too"


Ladies and gentlemen, two posts in two days?! idk i felt like incorporating Martin in this (torturing the poor man) weird mix of self destruction. but yeah working on a request rn if you have more feel free to give them to me!

As always, this is purely for fun and does NOT reflect people's real views, morals and/or beliefs it's purely fanFICTION.

love you all, vin🩷

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